Chapter 3: Powers Awakening

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Tyrell dropped off everything he purchased in his family's suite. Afterwards, he went to see if any of his friends were still around. He ended up visiting the room of Naomi Muller, one of his many female friends and a proficient knife-thrower.

"We had it tough out there, huh?" Naomi said after inviting him in.

"Yeah," Tyrell answered, "but I'm sure we can finally take time to regain our strength and continue fighting later."

Naomi nodded, and then sighed. "I still do not understand why I had to get mixed up in all this . . ."

"Things happen," Tyrell said. "And sometimes, it can be things out of our control, and things that seem like they're out of our league."

"Seem like they're out of our league? This is out of our league!" Naomi said.

Tyrell shook his head. "No, it's not. Even with the dire circumstances, we've managed to hold our own pretty well! There's always a way to solve the challenges that arise."

"What do you mean?" Naomi asked.

"Well," Tyrell began, "even when it may seem like there is no way out or nothing that can be done," he looked out the window at the cloudy sky, "if you can think it through, you can improvise and find an unorthodox solution. It all depends on how much you have to think and reason to find a way through."

"You mean you think we'll be able to win, once and for all, against the Daemons? End it for good?" Naomi asked.

Tyrell smiled and nodded. "Absolutely! They made the mistake of trying to take our world . . . and they will pay the price for doing so! I myself will make sure of that!"

"Well, whatever tickles your peach," Naomi said. "I really don't care right now. I just need time to collect myself. I'm still really tired from the long trip."

"Yeah, me too," Tyrell responded. "All I'm worried about right now is getting the rest of the Prominence Crystal. From what Azrael told me, one of the shards is in this dimension, while the rest are all in the other dimensions, one in each. We need to find the other one in this dimension first."

Naomi sighed. "We've been looking for months now. We're not gonna find it! Besides, maybe the Xerians already got it by now."

"Not possible," Tyrell said. "If they got a shard of the Prominence Crystal, I'm sure by now we would all be dead . . . or worse. Besides, I doubt Xeraor knows about the Crystal. And since Azrael said to look in places we would not think to look, I also doubt they could easily find the shards."

"So what's the big deal, then? Can't we just go and take down Xeraor right now? Before he gets the Crystal?" Naomi suggested.

"It's not that simple," Tyrell stated. "Only the power of both the Dragon Vein and the whole Prominence Crystal combined will permanently kill Xeraor. And on top of that, we still have yet to find a portal that will allow us access to the Subdimensional Realm."

"Well, I'm just gonna stop thinking about all of this for right now just so I'm not the one who gets a migraine," Naomi said.

Tyrell shrugged. "Suit yourself."

At that moment, there was another knock at the door. Naomi opened it to find Garth waiting.

"Hey, guys! How ya doin'?" He said as he entered the hotel room. "I've been looking for you for a little while, Tyrell."

"I was out for a bit, shopping and stuff," Tyrell responded.

Garth nodded. "Cool, man. Anyway, what do you think we're gonna do, now that we're here?"

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