Dear Jimin,

May 19th

You don't know how much I wished you hadn't moved out..I miss you a lot Jimin, I miss your warm hugs and your soft voice you used on me to comfort me when I was feeling down.

Come on Jimin..I'm just 13, I need you by my side. I know I have Jin, Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok, Taehyung, and Jungkook..but, your not here..

Jin keeps talking about you now and then, he talks about how he's watched you grow and now you've left the house...he misses you. They all miss you. And don't think Appa doesn't miss you.

He talks about how he regrets telling you to move out sometimes..

But it's too late now.

I hope your doing well Jimin..

Jungkook keeps saying "I wish Jimin hyung was here." Sometimes when we can all laugh together.

I also wish you were there during these moments.

Taehyung keeps talking about you and his high school memories. "We always had eachothers back." Is the sentence he often used.

Yoongi doesn't speak much..but I can tell he misses you.

Hoseok ignores Appa sometimes for kicking you out and talks about you a lot.

Namjoon keeps sending you text messages, I'm sure you got them.

And I'm here, sending you letters.

I'll be sending them more often from now on.

I miss you Jimin.

Love, Y/n.


Letters to my brother ✓Where stories live. Discover now