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Dear Jimin,

June 10th

   Today, one of my teachers in the school died..she was 48 years old,  and she was a math teacher.

I don't know her that well, she has only covered our class twice in the past.

So, I'm not that sad.

It just felt a little different, that's all.

  My science teacher was best freinds with her though, and she's been crying the entire day because of it.

  She didn't even teach us today because she was crying the whole day.

I understood the pain of it.

I don't have any freinds though, ㅋㅋㅋ

But, the 7 of you are my best friends.

Your not only my brothers, but also my best freinds.

My best freinds for the rest of my life.

I miss you so much Jimin.

Love, Y/n.


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