Dear Jimin,

May 24th

   I got detention in school today..I know I shouldn't have fought with someone in the hallways when I was supposed to be at class..but she always bothers me!!

  And yeah, she deserved to be called what she is, a overdramatic loser... that part irritated her a lot when I called her that, but I loved seeing the angered look on her face. ㅋㅋㅋ

  She deserved it...we both got detention for it, it was so annoying to sit in the same detention room as her though..she threw paper balls at me when the teacher wasn't paying attention.

Ugh..I hate her!!

Yoongi scolded me a lot for fighting instead of attending my class..

I know it was wrong, Im sorry Jimin if your disappointed with me..I promise not to skip my classes like this ever again.

I miss you so much Jimin =(

I'm sorry again!!

Don't be angry at me please..

Love, Y/n.


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