Chapter 1

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"Welcome aboard the empire ship the Flying Stars sir," said the serviceman "We are grateful that you were able to attend....

"Yeah yeah, I'm thankful too" replied Leo "How long is this supposed to last?

"I believe the intended time was until the moon is the brightest sir"

What the fuck does that mean Leo thought to himself. "Wonderful".

Leo quickly made it to the middle of the ship where he felt the safest. She knows how much I hate being on these things. I don't care who made it there is no way I trust it. It did bring a little peace knowing that the airship was built by dwarfs rather than goblins.

"But Cap' it is the empire ship. It doesn't matter who crafted it. She will fly" a rugged voice filled Leo's thoughts.

"Oh, that doesn't help Slug. You know how much the Captain loves the airships and the empire." a sly soft feminine voice replied in Leo's mind. "I was surprised to see the Captain accept this mission, but after all, it is for her, and anything for her right?"

"Enough! I told you both to stop calling me Captain. Hurry and find an escape ship please" Leo retorted. He hated the magic spell MindLink. He did appreciate the help it provided for missions, but he did not enjoy his crew in his head.

"Is it not the Red Hand of Corrin, Leo Bright" yelled a voice.

Shit. Leo had hoped he wouldn't run into anyone. He turned quickly to find the source only to meet the eyes of an elf named Flanet. "Long time no see, but you should know I do not serve her anymore"

"It has been a long time it has been and that is right you are now an outlaw and wanted by the council".

Leo knew it could trust Flanet as far as his pointed ears could reach, but also knew he wasn't an enemy. " I have no idea what I mean. I just decided I was done fighting for the empire in a useless war."

"You mean the council Leo, I know more about you than you think my friend" Flanet whispered as he hugged Leo. "I know you still serve under her. Doing odd missions. That is why you are here right?

"I do not have the slightest idea of what you mean. I'm simply here to attend the funeral of a comrade" Leo replied

"Really what is the name of the gentleman who died?

Fuck Leo thought.

"No matter, I'm glad you are here." Answered Flanet. He slowly guided Leo away from the crowd. Leo felt uncomfortable as he got farther from the middle. "She is in danger and I have come to warn her but it seems I don't have to now. The council has sent an assassin to kill her."

"Why?" Leo snapped.

"You know why the council wants her dead. She is the heir to the throne and the empresses."

"No, why are you telling me this?" Leo felt his anger beginning to boil.

"Because I'm interested in how this story plays out. The man who represents the elves in the council does not have the best interest." Flanet said rather chillingly. "Besides I do love a good story and it seems it will be one of the best ones. Now be a good right hand and protect her" Flanet replied as he slowly vaporized into a mist. "Do not fail her"

Fucking mystically elves. Slug and Axilya change of plans. Just hurry and find a ship. As quickly as possible. Leo projected his thoughts to two of them.

"Oh as quick as possible Captain? I will make sure of that" replied Axilya. He could hear her smile.

"I will probably regret those words," Leo said under his breath, but he didn't have time to worry. He had to find Corrin as quickly as possible. Leo quickly made himself below the deck. Where the fuck are you?

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