Chapter 4

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Leo and Axilya slowly approached the cabin that was nestled nicely into a hill. Moss had overthrown the walls of the building leaving only the windows and door untouched by nature. However, the door had been touched by a man as it rested on the ground. The slayer of the door stood in the doorway scanning the forest for threats. 

"A bandit?" asked Leo.

"I have no idea, but it is fair to believe there are more inside," replied Axilya. "Do we want to rush him?"

"No, take the shot and then rush."

Leo and Axilya closed the distance while keeping an eye out for the quickest path through the trees and foliage. As they reached the preferred distance Leo ready himself to charge on Axilya's arrow. She steadied her shot and the arrow flew quickly to connect with the man's chest. He collapsed and Leo was already almost to the door when a second bandit came out to check on his friend. Before the bandit could react, a new arrow connected with him, hitting him in the throat. Leo was always thankful that Axilya was never against him. Leo had made it to the door and he heard two people moving from within the cabin. Unlike their friend, they knew better than to come outside. Leo had up two fingers as Axilya came close. She picked up a small pebble and threw it through the window. Leo heard the men scatter as they thought some more dangerous item might have done the breach, be it a spell or mechanical. Before the bandits could recover Leo was already on top of them with his dragger. With a quick combo, Leo took out one bandit. The last remaining bandit ready himself for the fight ahead, but it was already too late as Axilya's arrow pierced his chest. Quick and efficient Leo and Axilya had taken out the bandits.

"Leo, look over here," Axilya said as she entered the cabin.

Leo turned to the corner to see two older dwarves dead from the slashes they had received. Upon closer inspection, Leo could tell that the two were the ones described in the note. The ones who apparently found the child which Leo found suspicious. In fact, Leo found this whole thing to be suspicious. Usually, they hear rumors of a child or sometimes an adult, who had been classified as a 'freeker' then the group retrieves them and gets them out of the Empire. This had been the first time they had been given such direct information and the whereabouts of a 'freeker'. And as the note described, apparently a very special one at that. What bothered Leo was the lack of where the information truly came from. Who was pulling the stringers? Was it Flanet again?

"Go get Slug, he will know what is best for honoring these dwarves," Leo said as he looked around the room. Most of the room had been destroyed as it appeared the bandits did not find the child. As Axilya left to retrieve Slug, Leo continued to walk around the room. The bunk bed in the corner had been cut down and laid in a few pieces. The beginning of a dinner sat spread on the floor. The dwarves were not prepared for the attack. Leo walked to the right side of the room where a sconce sat holding a dead torch. The note described how to find a second room in case something had happened. Which did not sit well with Leo. Something that Leo was getting tired of feeling. 

"Did they know something would happen?" Leo asked quietly, "Whose game am I playing right now?" Leo pulled loose the stone that sat under the sconce which allowed Leo to stick his arm in and reach a small lever. As he pulled the lever square in the floor opened up to reveal stairs leading down. Clever dwarven engineering Leo thought.  He made his way down the stairs.

As he started to reach the bottom step the room before him sat mostly dark and one single candle fought tirelessly to light the room. The room seemed to be the size as the one above, at least from what Leo made out. He could not see the child anywhere.

"Hey, kid? You there?" Leo called out into the darkness. " I'm here to..." Before Leo could finish a small block of ice that flew from the opposite corner hitting Leo in the gut. The force of the ice almost caused Leo to revisit his breakfast.

The Crimson Empire:Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang