Chapter 2

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Leo turned in the direction of the voice to find a hooded figure standing at the helm. "Who are you?" asked Leo.

"It doesn't matter who I am today. As all three of us are dying aboard this airship."

"You think a hooded figure scares me?" jested Leo. "I already beat your beast of a man. What more can you do?"

The hooded man laughed and pulled out a small jar of what looked like green powder. Pulling off the cap he started to ingest the powder. With the gulp, the presence of the man seemed to grow.

"I believe you know what I have just ingested, Leo?" said the man finishing off the powder. "But just in case you don't it was arcane dust."

Arcane dust was an experimental drug that the Empire tested for a few years but failed to produce great results. Therefore, they disband the drug entirely, but some relics of the drug exist. The goal of the drug was to increase either physical or magical prowess.

"I see, but you forget one thing. People who tried the drug usually ended up dead within one minute." Leo said confidently.

"That is the plan." replied the man. "The drug I took was famous for causing the person to catch fire and eventually explode."

"You just had to challenge the man didn't you?" replied Corrin who was now resting on the floor taking off her heels. "Well now, what my savior."

Good question thought Leo. "How close are you guys?" Leo asked through mindlink.

"One minute out" replied Slug. "Also sorry boss about the ship."

Leo did not have the time to question Slug what he meant when the door to the lower deck opened. Out stepped,  a guard who was covered in blood and was clearly exhausted.

"All the passengers turned into weird mindless things." yelled the guard. "They killed the other guard."

"Yes, because of my spell Husk. All the passengers are now my husk. In fact, Sven was one. I bet you thought it was Blair's, Blessing Leo. Once again you made the wrong call."

Leo clenched his fist. But this wasn't the time he had to stay calm. "Guard what is your name?"

"Calin sir!"

"Well Calin, come here we have to protect the Empress. And shut the door, use your weapon as a means to keep shut." Calin followed Leo's directions and rushed over to Leo and Corrin.

The stranger now had smoke coming from him. Clearly, in pain, the man spoke"The council sent their regards to Leo and Corrin." The man quickly toppled over. '

"We have maybe thirty seconds before he catches on fire and the whole place goes with hi....." before Leo could finish the body of the man ignited with a green flame. "Nevermind."

"Wow, you are doing a great job of saving me," smiled Corrin.

Leo faked a smile and looked back to the helm as the green flame started to spread. "We have some time before it gets close to us." Suddenly a flame from the blow erupted through the middle of the deck. The Husks were set to explode too? thought Leo.

"You aren't really good at this," said Calin. Corrin let out a small snort. Leo let out a deep sigh.

Well, we sure know how to put the fun back in funeral' Leo thought to himself. Never would he expect himself to be on the ship that was on fire which happened to be hosting a funeral. There were many places Leo thought he would be but not here. It was supposed to be an easy job, but nothing is ever easy when it comes to her.

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