Chapter 1

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In the midst of the chaotic morning, Y/n found herself being forcefully dragged out of bed by her persistent sister, Tzuyu. "UNNIE!" Tzuyu exclaimed, struggling to pull Y/n from her cozy nest of blankets.

"ARGHH LET ME GO!" Y/n protested, burying her face into her pillow in a feeble attempt to resist.

"Unnie, Dad wants to meet you," Tzuyu persisted, her determination unwavering.

"I DON'T CARE! I BET THAT OLD MAN'S GONNA MAKE ME GO ON A DATE AGAIN," Y/n grumbled, her voice muffled by the pillow.

Tzuyu paused, considering her next move before hitting Y/n with another pillow. "But, Unnie," she pleaded.

Y/n shot her sister a glare before raising her middle finger in defiance.

"Don't you want a relationship? I mean, like someone important in your life?" Tzuyu continued, dodging the pillow thrown her way. "Plus, I want a nephew or niece," she added with a mischievous grin.

"Does it look like I care about those things?! If you desperately want a baby, why don't you be the one to get married?" Y/n retorted, her frustration evident in her tone.

"Unnie, I'm 16 years old, and you're like a 14-year-old stuck in a 28-year-old body," Tzuyu teased, unable to contain her amusement.

"I'M STILL YOUNG, OKAY? I'M NOT GONNA MARRY SOMEONE TILL THE DAY I DI--" Y/n's protest was abruptly cut off by the stern voice of Mr. Chou.

"One more word coming out from you, and I will take your car," Mr. Chou threatened, his tone leaving no room for argument.

Y/n stared at her dad in disbelief, trying to process his unexpected intervention. "Now," he demanded, leaving the room with a sense of finality.

Y/n pouted in frustration, feeling defeated by her father's ultimatum, while Tzuyu grinned from ear to ear, satisfied that her mission was accomplished.

As Y/n reluctantly made her way to meet her dad, she couldn't shake the feeling of apprehension that settled in the pit of her stomach. Little did she know, her dad had a surprise in store for her – one that would change her perspective on relationships forever.

"This is unacceptable!" Y/n shouted, standing up and ready to storm out of the room.

"Hirai Momo," her father interjected, causing Y/n to freeze in her tracks. With a quick reflex, he raised his arm to cover his eyes, as if shielding himself from the potential outburst.

Y/n stopped in front of her father, her expression a mix of confusion and disbelief. "So when is the wedding?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"I know--huh? Why don't you seem mad at all?" Y/n's father questioned, surprised by her lack of reaction.

How could she be mad? It was Hirai Momo, her high school crush, the one who had unwittingly made her retake the sexual orientation class three times because of her distracted daydreaming.

"I just... believe you're choosing the right one for me, Dad. Plus, you don't want me to stay single forever, do you?" Y/n replied innocently, masking her inner turmoil with a façade of acceptance.

Y/n's dad blinked twice, processing her response. "Yeah... About the wedding, it will be held two weeks from now," he announced, breaking the silence.

"And we will have a family meeting tomorrow," Y/n's dad added, his tone serious.

"Ahai Captain! So I'm free to go now?" Y/n quipped, eager to escape the tension in the room.

"Yeah, and please close the door... softly?" her dad requested, a hint of exasperation in his voice.

Y/n nodded, winking mischievously before closing the door with surprising gentleness, much to her father's surprise.

"She closed the door without smacking it?! Good thing I don't have to fix it for the fourth time," he mused to himself, shaking his head in disbelief.

Meanwhile, Tzuyu could hear footsteps approaching her bedroom and began counting down.




Y/n stormed into Tzuyu's bedroom, plopping herself onto Tzuyu's bed with a dramatic flair.

"Guess what? I'm getting married," she announced, excitement evident in her voice.

"Bro, in her arranged marriage era. But seriously, who is this unlucky person?" Tzuyu remarked, taking a sip from her tea.

"Hirai Momo," Y/n replied, causing Tzuyu to choke on her drink in shock.

"M-my best friend's sister?!" Tzuyu exclaimed incredulously.

"You have friends, Tzuyu?" Y/n teased, a smirk playing on her lips.

"I'M MORE SOCIAL THAN YOU!" Tzuyu retorted, rolling her eyes.

"Geez, I'm just asking," Y/n chuckled, enjoying their banter despite the unexpected news.

Dream Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora