Chapter 3

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Y/n could have been in her office doing paperwork, but instead, she found herself running for her dear life through the bustling corridors of the office building.

"MOVE, BITCH!" she exclaimed, pushing past anyone who dared to impede her progress.

Reaching the elevator, she frantically pressed the button repeatedly, urging it to arrive faster. "Come on, come on," she muttered under her breath, anxiety coursing through her veins.

"HEY, DON'T YOU DARE TO--" Nayeon's voice was cut off as the elevator doors slammed shut, leaving her behind.

"For heaven's sake," Y/n exclaimed, dancing joyfully in the confined space of the elevator, oblivious to the bewildered stares of the other occupants.

"You really thought you could escape from us," Jeongyeon's voice rang out as the doors opened on another floor.

Y/n slowly turned around to see an evil smirk plastered on her friend's face. She grinned cutely before quickly pressing the open button, attempting to make her escape.

But luck was not on her side as she collided with Nayeon in the hallway.

"Tried to escape again but failed for the second time, huh?" Nayeon laughed, her eyes sparkling mischievously.

Before Y/n could respond, Nayeon tackled her to the ground, attempting to restrain her. "Please have some mer--" she started to say before Jeongyeon swiftly taped her mouth shut.

"Wow, I should have done this sooner," Jeongyeon muttered,as Y/n glaring at her friends as they began to drag her away.

As they made their way down the corridor, an employee passing by couldn't help but pause, witnessing the strange scene unfolding before them.

"Did I just witness kidnapping? But it's an adult? GASP, 'ADULTNAPPING'!" the employee exclaimed before bursting into laughter and walking away, dismissing the bizarre situation.

Y/n groaned as the light hit her face, blinking against the sudden brightness.

"Do you really have to wear those?" she grumbled, squinting at Jeongyeon and Nayeon's disguises.

"What do you mean? This is a must," Jeongyeon replied, adjusting her fake mustache, while Nayeon dusted off her suit.

"Jeong," Y/n sobbed, feeling defeated.

"Who is that? I don't know someone with a name like that," Jeongyeon replied with a straight face. "My name is Sherlock Holmes, and this is my assis--"

But she was interrupted by Sana entering the room wearing a dinosaur costume.

"PARTY PEOPLE!" she cheered before her expression turned to a frown. "I thought we were having a costume party?"

"We were investigating," Jeongyeon explained, to which Sana nodded awkwardly and took a seat in the corner of the room.

Sana wasted no time in capturing the absurdity of the moment, posting the scene on her social media with a caption that hinted at the impending wedding.

Within moments, Momo's message arrived

"What are you doing to my future wife???" Momo's message read, her playful tone not disguising her curiosity.

Sana's jaw dropped seeing Momo responding to her instagram story "2yeon, I think Y/n have some better explanation here"

She showed the phone to Jeongyeon and Nayeon as they all stare at Y/n at the same time "YoU GoiNg tO mARry HiRaI mOmO???"

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