Chapter 9

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Everything did not sit right the moment you woke up.

It was all really- A blur if you could call it. Everything wasn't making any sense. Not remembering what happened was a huge problem. The things you did That could have potentially affected you were too much of a risk- But the thing was, What actually happened? That was all Eraz was thinking, The moment you opened your mouth with uncertainty.

'-Are you sure You don't know what happened-"

"For the last time! I don't know!- Why are you asking me when you're clearly familiar with this type of stuff?!" You snapped in anger, with Slight frustration. The tone in your voice came out like a lion prancing for its prey close by. E/c eyes stared into his purple ones, Which held confusion. Why didn't he know? you thought. He's been working on things like these for who knows how long? So why was it so hard to figure out something so simple yet complicated?

"Uhm maybe because shit like this doesn't happen?!"

"Well, then how was I so supposed to know Smart guy?!"

"Do you guys want some water-"

"Not Now Clark!!"

Silence emits. Not a single word was spoken. The words were building up in your head, Ready to be said to his face. Your arms crossed while your bed hair was still a mess. If it weren't for the upcoming argument and democracy, Then you would have laughed, But since this was something serious, It wasn't an option.

Heavy breathing was the only thing heard, Besides Clark's slow and quiet claps he did every once in a while. Rocking on his heels and looking around the boring and bland room, Finding something that would ease the risen tension created.

A sigh out from Eraz's mouth, His head down with his messed up hair falling apart during the minute of silence. You could tell by his posture he was going to say something quiet and painful. Most likely an 'apology'. Something people with large egos are afraid of.

"...I'm sorry" He mumbled, Hard enough for anyone in the room to hear. His hand scratched the back of his neck as if he were nervous about something. His body language was the opposite of what his motives actually were. If anything, He looked quite stupid. His eyes avoiding you, His hand is still behind his head and his feet moving in a weird movement.

Rolling your eyes was something you wanted to do, But that was obviously something he would have expected. So you ignored him. Shaking your head a bit and moving out of the warm and comfy covers you were once in. Walking over to the nervous looking Clark, You grabbed his arm and gently walked out, Leaving the dark-haired male speechless. You had just walked out of the room with someone so unreliable and stupid. Maybe you really were meant to work here with him.

He shook his head, Rushing out of the room to find no one was a bit of a panic. He didn't know someone as stupid as you could just walk out like that, After all, You were on a mission. One that you had been unwillingly 'forced' to do.

After moments of calming down and the tension lowering. All three of you were back into the room. Eraz in his own world, more so books. You and Clark were chatting about nonsense, something Clark had been familiar about.

The thuds of shoes were heard as three beings resided in the dark beige room, one of them, pacing around with a specific book in hand. In which you had no idea. Another, sitting beside you, as you stare into oblivion.

Eraz was pacing back and forth, his hands flickering through the old pages that seemed to fly with dust lingering on for as long as he lived. To say that he was stressed was an understatement. Who knew something this bad would happen— even just a bit.

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