Chapter 12

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"—And now with the apparent disappearance of a young Woman that had appeared to be missing for what seems to be more than 48 hours. For further information, the sudden incident had occurred during the night of—"

With a click of a button, the screen was flashed off. With the news continuing to say such pointless things, it didn't matter whether or not they would get the word out, it mattered if they found her. And they haven't.

With other things that are going on, it didn't seemed to have capture the platinum-blondes attention. But what did, was the familiar face that had happened to pop up every time the news had been turned on since that day.

He didn't know what she was doing, but he knew that she was his. He knew it, she didn't. He knew with the help he would provide for her, she'll come to her senses. If anything, he would die for her, bringing just a few memories back until she felt the need to come back to him.

Calix was all alone. The reason this whole thing was a whole work of success, Was because of her, he knew he couldn't continue without her. It didn't feel right.

So he tried his best to find her, bringing in Women that looked similar to her, but nonetheless, they did not feel like her. Thus giving them the chance to work for him. This had eventually been something he had forgotten, but clearly was still in the mind of it.

He needed her, he wanted her. Y/n. He wanted her back in his arms, he wanted to hear her voice. He wanted to embrace her with the love they once shared, they once promised, They once fulfilled one night.

But he couldn't do it alone. Thus, continuing to use different people to help him with his desires until he felt the need to throw them away. He continued to work until he found her. Which was when he did.

His slanted eyes were closed, his nose releasing a huff as he leaned back into his chair. His hair was everywhere and he was exhausted. He didn't know what to do with everything that had happened for the past hours. Listening about Eraz's helper.

She looked and sounded like her, He knew it was her, but he needed more time. It was getting to the point where he needed to spend time with her, it would always help with getting the tension off his back.

He had thought back onto the days before her disappearance. Smiling at the thought of her just one last time before everything fell.

The grass was greener than any other field. The breeze was clear and gentle as the birds glided softly in the sky. The sky was clear, no cloud in sight, with the sun shining brightly and beautifully by itself.

The h/c haired woman stood still, watching the scenery from underneath the large oak tree. Her white dress moving slowly as the breeze slowly picked up. With her hair moving along as well.

Her smile never moved away from her face. Her e/c beautiful eyes continuing to scan the area she loved the most. The area she grew up, the place she found comfort in the most. It was as if the world around her did not exist if she had just stayed there even longer. Everything around her had vanished the moment she found peace, staring into the horizon.

Moments had passed, and she was still admiring the scene. Until she had felt a presence behind her. Not moving, she waited until the person had approached.

"Now what's a woman like you doing here?" Asked the unknown man she was yet to find out. It was odd for a man like him to be here, however, it was odd for anyone to be out here in the open. The area was one of the most quiet and boring places on earth. But not to her.

"Could ask you the same thing" she mumbled. Her arms folded as she watched the waves from afar crash against the rocks, the sudden mist glazing upon her face. She continued to stand there without speaking. This had caused the unknown man to question her once again.

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