Chapter 13

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The judgement of food was now over. Watching as the bear and the red-haired male continued to converse, all the while, you had no idea how they could communicate. Face scrunched in discomfort and confusion.

You were all now on a trail that had or could lead to some salvation. The wood hut was good, A for effort, but you knew, staying under a damp clamp of broken and chopped logs was no good for rest. Thus, following after them.

You were a little bit behind the two as you let your eyes roam the beautiful environment. It was open and fresh. The sun seeped through the large branches as the bird started to chirp their way up.

It was beautiful and admired, you knew for a fact you couldn't save a small pot plant to save your life. But catching sight of something that has been placed before you were even born was soulfully admiring.

Even with the things going on around you, you hadn't kept track of where you going, thus causing you to misplace your feet and track. You were going in a different direction whilst your companions had continuously perhaps forgotten you. Nonetheless, You had done the same thing, Even so, The environment had captured your attention so much, That you stumbled across a large cliff, The sun lifting from the mountains behind.

You couldn't hear The red-haired male Or the grunts of the bear. You didn't care, They were long forgotten, Sometimes the things in life that hold you, Are the things that are needed to let go. The more you let go, The freer you'll feel and become.

You sighed at the sun touching the tips of your head, the warmth and light bringing waking you up even more. However, Without noticing, a hand landed on your right shoulder, Causing your eyes to widen at the sudden threat or suppose luck. It didn't matter, It felt like more than a threat.

Grabbing hold of their hands and moving back until your back touched their front, Thus, Leaving you to grab full hold onto their arm and pulling them over you. With the strength you supposedly had, Without evening knowing really, You huffed and moved away, Your hands in fists as you raised them to cover your face, You dress, However, Had gotten in the way behind you. Stepping onto the soft fabric and falling harshly on the ground.

You grunt at the pain, Forgetting about the threat that lay still on the ground you had thrown them on.

"Dad sure wasn't lying about your strength" The threat grumbled. He hissed afterwards but slowly got up with a hand to his side. Slowly searching for you until his blue eyes landed on your form, Scared and alarmed, But you didn't want to show him that you had fear, So you quickly stood up.

He watched you shuffle back every once in and while, No use if he continued to just move forward. He had his hands up as he had finally realized the motives you thought he was holding.

"Hey, Hey. I'm not going to hurt you..." He moved closer to you, Slowly and steadily, He didn't know how to handle situations like this, He's never been in contact with another female that looked to be his age.

"It's me... The prince? Look, Uh. What's" He asked lightly, Trying his best not to scare her even more, Watching as she furrowed her brows, Her forehead slightly creasing at the sudden attention.

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