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It was your first day at Stark Industries. The famous Tony Stark himself hired you. You were his assistant and you made your way upstairs to his office. You had a huge pile of papers and documents in your hand that you didn't see a male figure coming toward you. You two bumped into him and immediately apologized: "Oh my gosh! I am so sorry sir. I must've been so distracted that I didn't see you coming in my direction. I promise it won't happen again," you rambled while picking up the last of the documents. The man just chuckled and said: "Don't worry miss, it's fine. Your Stark's new assistant right?" he asked you. You smiled and nodded "Yep, that's me." He took a few seconds before asking: "I'm Steve and you are...?" "Oh yeah, sorry- I'm Y/N," you added.


You were in class, more specifically in English. The teacher had announced that we were going to be doing teamwork. "And- Y/N and Peter. Alright everyone, good luck," the teacher said. Peter sat down next to me. We are in the same class together but we don't happen to be talking a lot. After we got our project done I realized that he is really funny and our energies match a lot. He makes me feel safe and doesn't make me feel stupid. "Hey, um, I know we've been in the same class for a while now and we did this awesome project and I was wondering if could get your number. Y'know to stay in touch. You seem like a cool and fun person to be around, so yah," he rambled. It was really cute: "I think that you just read my mind. And for the record, I think that you are a really fun and cool person as well, Peter," I answered him. When the class ended we said our goodbyes. "Bye, Y/N, see you tomorrow!" "See you, Peter!"


You needed a job and decided to give it a shot at applying at Stark Industries. They were looking for an assistant and you have had some experience with that. You never actually expected a callback, but when you got that you did not turn that offer down. So here you are- inside of your office sorting some documents. You haven't seen Tony himself but that just changed when he burst through your door. "Mister Stark! Can I help you with something?" I asked my face full of shock. "No I'm alright, thank you for asking. You see I just realized that you didn't get the right welcome. So to fix that- I would like to invite you to my labor and help me finish a machine that I'm currently working on. What do you say?" he asked me. I just nodded my head repeatedly and said: "Yes."


You were in the club partying and getting loose when you felt someone's eyes burning into you. You didn't think much of it since you've already had some shots of tequila. Your favorite song ended and wanted a drink and also to sit down since your feet were sore from all the dancing. Reaching the bar you ordered a martini. The bartender smiled and went to make your drink. While waiting some creepy guy came up to you and you could smell the strong alcohol scent coming off him. "Why hello there sweet-cheeks. Want me to buy you a drink and then come to my place?" he was slurring his words and you were starting to get really pissed. "No. I don't. And just so you know I have a boyfriend," you lied. "Oh yeah? Well, I don't see him anywhere. C'mon, he doesn't have to know.." he started to get awfully close to you and you were starting to slightly panic. "Hey honey, there you are. Thought I lost you," a strange man said. Getting the hint that he had heard the conversation and decided to help, you played along. "Oh, I wouldn't dare to hide from you. I was thinking of heading home, could you drop me off?" you answered. By now the creepy guy had taken off, realizing that he doesn't have a chance. "thank you so much. I'm Y/N, and what might be my savior's name?" you thanked him. "Bucky. And don't worry, if you need any more help just check your purse and feel free to call me," he winked at you. He just smiled and nodded goodbye leaving you stunned at what just happened.

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