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Steve is a gentleman so for your first date he took you to a nice restaurant. You both had a nice time and got to know each other. Safe to say that there will be a second date and many more.


You are both young and haven't yet stumbled upon a huge amount of money so you guys kept it simple. He took you to the beach where you guys spent a long night alongside some food.


Your first date was pretty memorable. He made an appointment to go to a horse farm where you guys went on a horseback riding hike. Afterward, you went to a small bakery. He kept it sweet and simple and you loved it.


He invited you to his house where you both read books all day. After every book, you two exchanged thoughts about them. You also ordered food since you two were cozily wrapped inside the blankets.


He took you to Asgard. He took you for a walk around the garden, explaining every flower and getting to know you. By the end of the date, it felt as if you both have known each other for your whole life.


You both lived in the Compound and you both loved archery. You mostly worked with guns, but you have done archery when you were young. Clint knowing that then chose to re-teach you that sport. You both had a really good time and laughed so much that the next day stomach hurt.

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