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Luna was having the night of her life when her phone first rang

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Luna was having the night of her life when her phone first rang.

Being an FBI agent made Luna always busy. To top it off, she had done some modeling during college as a favor to a photography major friend and instantly fell in love with the job. Picking up modeling gigs here and there in her free time has always been refreshing, especially after a physically and mentally demanding case as an FBI agent.

But that also meant no time for herself. No vacations, no days off, no leaves or breaks. Just a continuous cycle of work, and as much as Luna loved both her jobs (she really did- or else she would've left the FBI ages ago, she earns enough by modeling to live in luxury), it had been long tiring 5 months with no leaves and she was in a dire need of destressing.

So after punching in her leave days and finding out, she had accumulated over 2 weeks of paid off days, she booked the first flight to Las Vegas and hopped on the plane for a well-earned vacation, hoping to experience the wonders of the famous Vegas nightlife and getting shit faced drunk like a teenager once again.

Now a day after landing, Luna had gone to one of the many famous clubs in the city to get drunk and maybe bring back some company to the hotel room. She had let loose completely, which is a rare occasion due to her job requirements, and was already slurring her words after her seventh shot when an attractive brunette girl in a low-cut shiny dress caught her eye and they got to talking.

They hit it off instantly considering the attraction they both felt for each other and the sexual tension was through the roof when they glided over to the dance floor, instantly dancing sensually and grinding on each other. Everything was going swimmingly and Luna was indeed having the night of her life.

Imagine her frustration when her phone rang- once, then twice- only for her to begrudgingly check it to find out it had been her boss- the FBI Director. She impatiently answers when she heard it go off for the third time, "We have a case and you are required to fly in immediately Agent Montgomery." was the first thing she heard.

Luna immediately signed an apology to the brunette whose name she vaguely remember as Victoria? or maybe- Vanessa? and took off towards her previously occupied table, gathering her purse and belongings, "Well, no offense sir- but it better be good because I just flew in yesterday and I still have ten days of my vacation left!"

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