Chapter 3

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It had been years...

Dan and arin were in their 20s by now. They had finally made a boat.

Dan had yawned as he boarded the boat. "Cmon, Arin!" He says as arin hopped on, as they sighed. "Hopefully another storm doesn't nearly kill us..." arin groaned. "Yeah." Dan says as they set sail.

It had been all day, and still no sign of land.

"Dan, I think we're lost." Arin said. "Oh, gee! What gave you that idea?" Dan sarcastically asked. Arin then squints as he sees a boat... no, a ship! It was coming towards them.

"Danny look!" Arin says as Danny sees the ship as well.

"Lets make sure they hear us so they can save us!" Danny yelled.

They cried for them, yelled and screamed...

Until a rope came down. "Get on!" A female voice said, as Arin and Dan climb up and abandon the raft.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2023 ⏰

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