time for action

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Was this the best time to escape?
Well I never will know the answer if o don't try so.... let's find out! I Run as hard as I could. It was a small hallway.
When I saw the first window, I just smash the window and I jumped out of it! I didn't know how high that window was but I just found out that they lived in a flat...  think I fell like 10 meters!

I fell...

And fell...

And fell...

Until I land on the floor.
That was all I could remember, before everything got black....

I woke up..but I didn't open my eyes, I was to tired. I felt a something soft and fluffy underneath me.  I was laying on a bed! I heard nothing so I hope that no one was here. I slowly opened my eyes.... and I saw I was back in the cursed animated house of those German animated "humans". You know I don't even think that they are humans.
I get off the bed and walked to the door and try to open the door. But sadly it was locked so I just had to wait...

kidnapped by rolli und ritaWhere stories live. Discover now