weird rat

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amelia pov

i turned around and saw a huge rat with clothes on, but that wasnt the weirdest thing... the rat was holding a big old book with huge letters on the front. he stood there watching me with his cute rat eyes. to behonest i kind of think that this rat is really cute, out of no where he said               are you gonna keep watching me or what?!" i was shocked because most rats dont talk. but second i didnt why he was so angry. i was starting to like that rat :(                                                                "why so rude its not normal for me to see a rat talking to me" i said but the rat was already busy with the book i was curious so i decided to ask "whats that book for" the rat looked down at the book but said nothing.

"well, if you wouldnt mind im gonna go now" i said. i slowly walked away but the rat stopped me "are you new here?" he said i turned around and looked at him, kind of shocked because he asked it NICELY "well, umm i kind of got kidnapped" it just sounds so weird to just tell a rat that youre kidnapped in an other demension. "i can guess who... was it that weird guy with that other girl, what was his name again.... rol... rello... rom-" "ROLLI!!!!" i screamed. "ohhh yeah now i remember" the rat said "good you remember my old friend.... gucci the sewer rat..."

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