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Dave sat upright in a startled daze, his heart pounding. He had been sound asleep until a mysterious boom sounded outside his bedroom window. What could have caused such an impressive display of noise? Dave quickly rushed to the back window and peered through the curtain, only to be met with a bright light that lit up the sky before soon disappearing into The Metro Parks Woods just outside of Cleveland.

Dave felt a tug of excitement as he pulled on an old pair of jeans and grabbed his flashlight. His wife was working a double at the hospital, so she wouldn't be home this Saturday morning to bother him even if it got late. Despite the chill of the night air, Dave couldn't resist investigating what had caused that loud boom and bright light two hours ago. He stepped out into his backyard, determined to uncover whatever mysteries may await him under the stars that early morning.

Dave grabbed his Norwegian trekking poles and stepped cautiously into the woods. The dead silence filled him with anticipation as he switched on his head lamp, illuminating his path through an eerie smog that had settled in around him. He could see a deep darkness ahead of him even though it was only mid-morning, but Dave was determined to press forward and explore this, whatever it was.

Dave's paranoia began to take over as he continued his journey into the heart of the woods. He could hear distant branches breaking and swiveled around expecting someone behind him, but there was nothing except impenetrable darkness. But then he saw it – a strange greenish blue light emanating from further down the path. Goosebumps prickled on his skin as Dave felt a sudden chill spiraling across his spine. Was this some kind of supernatural force trying to guide him?

Dave stepped forward cautiously, his eyes widening as the eerie green light grew brighter. His curiosity was piqued and an array of wild theories filled his head. What could it be? A fallen space satellite, the remnants of a plane crash, a remote-controlled drone or even some kind of meteriorite; Dave's mind raced with questions as he inched closer towards the source.

Dave looked out in shock at the destruction before him. What had happened here? Trees lay scattered across the scene, and the ground was torn to pieces. A heavy sulfur odor filled Dave's nose and he felt a chill of dread run down his spine. The eerie green light he had noticed earlier were still glowing all around him, seeming to mock Dave with its unwavering brightness.

Dave felt a chill as he heard the leaves shuffle and branches break in the woods much closer this time. It was morning but darkness seemed to be settling in, what was going on? A glance over his shoulder revealed that something was indeed heading in Dave's direction-- whatever it was, it wasn't friendly.

Dave felt lightheaded and sweat poured down his face as he noticed the heat around him quickly increasing. He started to feel claustrophobic, feeling like the air was becoming thinner and thinner with each passing second. Was it just his imagination or was the temperature actually rising? Suddenly a blur of something fast moving caught his eye, zig-zagging through the air towards him. Dave's heart began pounding out of fear—was this real or a hallucination?

Dave stepped back in awe and fear as he looked upon an abnormality that stood before him. This was a buck unlike any other. It was huge, with muscles bulging out of its body and veins clearly visible along it's fur. But what scared Dave even more its antlers seemed to be emanating a faint green light which reflected off the now eerie surroundings. It felt like something out of this world; something unnatural but yet so beautiful at the same time.

Dave felt frozen in fear and couldn't move a muscle. His heart pounded as he watched the buck reach full speed and rush right at him, nostrils flaring like an angry bull ready to attack. He could feel the adrenaline pumping through his veins as he heard himself shout: "No! Not me!" in a moment of desperate self-preservation. It came with no warning, this sudden surge of wild ferocity -- Dave was utterly taken aback by its ferocity.

Dave lay on the ground bloodied and bruised, panting heavily as pain seared through his body. He could barely breathe, which he suspected was because of a few broken ribs. His ankle felt out of place and every movement sent quivers of agony throughout his entire being - it seemed like everything hurt now. Dave had tried to run but the buck was faster; before he knew it, it had hit him from behind and driven him head first into the dirt below.

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