The Plan

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Dave felt like he had been hit by a truck as he slowly made his way home from the hospital still limping. Sore all over, especially in his ribs, and with several superficial cuts on his back and scalp that bled quite heavily, Dave remembered how the deer had trampled him in the forest earlier that day. In spite of everything, however, Dave considered himself lucky – at least it wasn't anything more severe than some bruising to the ribs and minor wounds here and there.

Dave had been ready to finally leave the hospital, but just as he was about to walk out of the door, he saw Officer Dwain leaning against the wall. He felt a sudden chill run down his spine; why was this park ranger here? Did he come here for him?

Officer Dwain had heard enough, Brody was not willing to help, he had already made up his mind. But Officer Dwain needed help to stop the buck. Tomorrow, the park would start their festivities and that same buck which killed three people just a week before will now roam free and unrestrained among them. Fear pulsated through Officer Dwain's body as he contemplated how tomorrow would pass uneventfully given the mayor's refusal.

Officer Dwain paused in front of Dave, looking at his dishevelled state. He had gone through a great deal of hardship and pain recently, yet despite that Dwain had to ask for something far more dangerous- help in killing the elusive buck. His heart sank as he anticipated an inevitable refusal from Dave; however he figured it was worth one last try.

"Dave, I need your help. My plan to catch that big buck involves using you as bait. Believe me when I say, no one else can do this better than you because that buck hates you. Despite the danger of being so close to such a wild and powerful animal, there's no other option if we want a sure thing. I know it will take courage. Three people have been killed by that buck already and the July 4th festivals start tomorrow. The mayor won't help me. Your my only hope. "

Dave's eyes were wide with excitement as he spoke. "Let's kill that buck, Dwain! I don't want this buck contaminated with alien space dust and killing some little kid tomorrow!" His voice had an urgency to it.

"You tell me when and where," replied Dwain eagerly, his hunting instincts kicking in. He understood the importance of protecting others from the alien infestation taking over their town.

Dave looked up at the sky, as if checking on the remaining light from the day. "Let's go back to where we last saw that buck," he said to Dwain. "I'm sure it's staked out a territory and is protecting it."

Dwain stared off into the distance for a couple of seconds then nodded in agreement. "Sounds like a good idea," he replied.

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