Bright Light

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Dave felt the panic rising in his chest as he crawled through the dirt, trying to get away from the hostile buck. He could feel its breaths on his neck, and knew that it was only a matter of time before the creature finished him off. As Dave closed his eyes, he began to feel an incredible sense of tiredness wash over him; all hope seemed seeping out with each breath, until soon all he could see was darkness surrounded by a narrow tunnel of light.

Dave heard a faint gunshot emanating from somewhere far away, and almost immediately the buck ceased its charge. Dave held his breath as he flattened himself down against the ground behind a large rock and an evergreen tree, desperate to stay unnoticed by the wild animal that had suddenly turned so alert. His heart pounded in his ears with fear of being discovered; if the buck decided to turn around and finish its ambush it might spell certain danger for him.

With eyes wide open and heart racing, Dave could see the light getting closer. What was it? A UFO? Something worse? Was someone out there watching him...? Suddenly the terrifying sound of a high pitched whine reached his ears. The light suddenly flashed on, blinding him for a moment. And then...nothing. Just total silence and darkness.

Dave looked for the buck but it had run from the source of the light. As his vision cleared, Dave noticed a figure standing in front of him - State Trooper Officer Dwain holding the rifle that had helped distract the buck. The officer looked just as perplexed as Dave felt; their eyes locked for a moment before Dave managed to break away and ask what was going on.

Officer Dwain knelt down to get a better look at Dave. Officer Dwain said, "I got curious because I had received reports of a disturbance and then I found you being savaged by a buck. " Officer Dwain cautiously asked, "Are you able to walk?"Dave nodded.
Officer Dwain's eyes darted around for any proof that the deer had returned.

Officer Dwain looked around the forest carefully and in disbelief. Just moments ago, he had observed massive destruction in the form of felled trees and deep gashes in the earth, yet now it was gone - completely healed. He shook his head as if to convince himself that he wasn't dreaming. Officer Dwain helped Dave off the ground and onto his quad and they both marveled at this bizarre event; what on Earth could have caused such complete healing?

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