Man in books

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Man in books is a story untold,
A character in the pages, bold.
He speaks in words that paint a scene,
Of journeys yet to be,
and where they've been.

He walks the pages, step by step,
Through worlds of fantasy,
or ones that we've left.
He faces trials and tribulations,
And learns from every situation.

Man in books is a hero, true,
With strength and courage,
he breaks through.
He fights for love and fights for right,
And in the end, he takes flight.

He is a guide, a mentor too,
A shining light to guide us through.
Man in books is a friend indeed,
In every chapter, every deed.

So let us open up a book,
And take a look,
At man in books, and all he holds,
For in these pages, our stories are told.

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