Move on

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Leaves fall from the trees
As autumn winds blow
Reminding us to let go
Of what we've come to know

Memories linger on

Like the last leaves of fall
But it's time to move on
And stand tall

The past is behind us
A chapter now closed
But the future lies ahead
With opportunities disclosed

So take a deep breath
And step forward with grace
For the journey of life
Is a beautiful race

Embrace change and growth
For it leads to new skies
And the chance to start over
As the old fades and dies

Let go and move on
For the world is yours to explore
And the possibilities
Are endless, evermore.

The road ahead is long and winding
With twists and turns and hills to climb
The past is gone, it's left behind us
And the future is the one to find

We've carried baggage,
we've carried weight
We've held on tight to things we hate
But now it's time to let them go
And leave them in the past to grow

It's hard to say goodbye
To the ones we've loved and known
But life goes on and we must too
And find a new place to call our own

So let go of the hurt and pain
And all the things that held you back Embrace the unknown and take a chance For a new chapter's waiting to be cracked

The future's bright, the sky is clear
The world is yours to explore
So take a step, and take a breath
And open up the door.

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