First day back

608 9 19

Chapter Two
March 21st 1988

⚠️Self harm

3rd person

Will woke up on his floor with a massive headache

El was blasting music in her room which was right beside Wills

Will tried to go back to sleep but El and Mike busted into his room

"WILL!" El yelled

"GET UP WERE GOING TO BE LATE!" She yelled again

"Will get up!" Mike playfully shook him

"Fine fine fine! I'm up! Get out I have to change!" Will said rubbing his eyes trying to seem as happy as he could

"Okay we're leaving" El said dragging Mike out

Will got ready and filled up a clear water bottle with vodka and took a sip

He suddenly had the urge to see blood

"No.. no.. no.. no.. please.." he sat there trying to get the thought of cutting out of his head

He failed.

He walked over to the bathroom with rivers coming out of his eyes

He ruffled through the drawers

"..Where's that blade..?" He mumbled

He found it.

"There you are" he said with a smile

He sat on the ground and started cutting onto his stomach, chest, upper arms, and forearms

He sat there crying with a manic smile plastered on his face

"Will?" Mike knocked on the bathroom door

"Oh- uh- shit! I'm coming Mike!" Will said accidentally dropping his blade

"Are you okay Will?" Mike asked concerned

"Yeah I'll be out in a minute!" Will said trying to sound happy

"Okay.." Mike left

Will came out wearing a tight long sleeve button up shirt and kinda tight pants

"Oh hi Will! Ready to go?" El asked

"Y-yeah.." Will responded

Mike suddenly felt something for Will and started turning really red. It was the exact feeling he has been feeling for years

'Mike Stop it! Your not gay!'  Mike thought to himself

"Is there something wrong Mike?" El asked

"Oh- No! I'm fine let's go to school!" He said

The bike ride was hard for Will

He kept wobbling because he was still a bit intoxicated

I'm sorry...°BYLER°☆ ALCOHOLIC WILLWhere stories live. Discover now