I don't know what to call this

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Chapter Ten

Joyce's pov

I open the door with my key and we all rush in

We see him run out the window, shirtless

"WILL! COME BACK" Mike yelled

I see something on the floor

"Mike.. Jonathan.. where did he get that..?" I point horrified to the bottle on the floor

"Oh shit.." Mike spoke

"I thought you dumped them out!" Jonathan yelled at Mike

"We must've forgot one!" Mike said

"He must be drinking now.." I said

"We have to find him before he gets in trouble!" Mike said

We run out the house into my car and drive off

Wills pov

"Shit" I slurred

"I'm almost done with this stupid fuckin bottle" I added

I decide I'm gonna lay down in the grass when I heard a car

I didn't bother to look, until I heard my name

I saw Jonathan, Mike and my mum run towards me

I jumped up and used an empty bottle of Whiskey for protection

"Don't you fuckin dare come-hic- close to me" I slurred

"Will. Come here" Mike tried to lure me


I see at the corner of my eye Jonathan running towards me

I fling the bottle at him and make a run for it

(That's so funny to me for some reason)

"OW FUCK" I heard Jonathan yell

I look back and see Mike chasing me while my mom helps Jonathan with his bloody face

"Your not gonna catch me fucker!" I yelled

I flew to the ground when I felt Mike tackle me

"I fucking caught you. Your coming home" Mike said pinning me down and straddling my hips

"Let me go you asshole" I whined and wiggled trying to get free

"No!" Mike yelled

"Fuck you" I slurred

"You guys are so fuckin stupid" I laughed

"Why?" Mike looked at me confused

"You guys forgot two bottles in the wall! And you stupid fuckers missed a bottle I hid under my bed a few weeks ago" I slurred and laughed

I'm sorry...°BYLER°☆ ALCOHOLIC WILLWhere stories live. Discover now