The Nightmares caused this...

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Chapter Six
March 24th 1988

⚠️Mention of suicide
Self harm

3rd person

Will woke up drenched in sweat and tears rolled down his eyes

"Mike! Mike! Please help me!" Will woke Mike up

"What wrong?! Why are you crying?!" Mike panicked

"My- My dream.. I.. it was horrible" Will said through tears

"Okay okay. Will calm down! Calm down!" Mike said trying to comfort him

Mike hugged Will tight while he cried for 15 minutes

Once Will finally calmed down, Mike asked him what happened

"In my dream.. I got everything I wanted. It's not good. At. All" Will said

"I don't see what's wrong?" Mike said

"I got everything I wanted. I was allowed to.. hurt... myself and drink all I wanted..Mike.. I don't really want to be alive. You all watched.. the party.. my family.. everyone just watched.. as I.. killed myself.." Will bursted into tears at the end

Mike just sat there shocked and hugged Will tightly

"Will... it's okay.." Mike said

"As long as I'm here, no one can hurt you." Mike said.

"Will look at me." He said and will looked at him with his red and puffy eyes

"I won't let anyone hurt you." He said cupping Wills face and staring into his eyes

"I love you so much Mike. Please don't leave me." Will begged

"I'm not going anywhere. I love you so much" Mike pulled Will back into a hug quickly and tightly

"Shh.. it's okay. I'm here" Mike said while Will sobbed loudly

After a while, Will eventually fell asleep in Mike's arms and Mike kissed Wills forehead before putting him down

Over text


Hey Max..:Mike

Max: Yeah?
Max: is everything okay?

It's Will.. He had this dream :Mike
I'm really fucking worried about him :Mike

Max: What was it abt?

He said it was about getting everything he wanted. Meaning he go to do whatever he wanted to himself... drinking and everything.: Mike

Max: Omg is he okay?

Yeah he's sleeping, but he said in his dream.. we all just watched as he.. killed himself :Mike

Max: I'm coming over
Max: are you okay?

Yeah I'm fine.: Mike

Max: okay.. I'm coming now

Text ended

15 minutes later

I'm sorry...°BYLER°☆ ALCOHOLIC WILLWhere stories live. Discover now