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Anthony's P.O.V.

That was him, I didn't know I was drunk and hurt. "You killed my brother!" Aiden yelled out. "Look I'm sorry, I didn't mean too kill him. It was an accident I swear dude."

He began to laugh, it wasn't a humor laugh but an evil one. "Hah an accident if it was, you should have stopped and help me. But nooooo you just drove off. While listening to love hurts. Do you wanna something Anthony, he died on my arms, crying telling me not to let him go. You could have saved him, at that time I didn't have my phone so I just kept screaming for help....... But nobody came to his rescue, not till 2 hours later. But that was too late." Aiden said with tears in his eyes.

"Look Aiden I didn't mean to kill him, I'm sorry I really am." I said feeling guilty.

"Oh I know you are, but sorry isn't going to bring him back. Not only did my twin brother died but a also part of me. Do you know how that feels to have a part of you die, Alan and I where close you would always see us together. And all of a sudden he wasn't next to me anymore, it felt empty. I suffered a lot, my parents got a divorced because of it they kept blaming each other. I almost killed myself and I would have succeed if it wasn't for a good friend of mine. She told me to continue on living for him also. I didn't want too but I knew she was right. But then I heard of his killer you, she helped me get to you. We both tracked you down and we decided on this plan. Well that's how all of this leads to now."

"But what did the students do to you, I don't even go to this school." I said confused, but then I realized that name Alan. Can it be, the one I beat up to rescue Ruby. No it can't that was when we where 7. "Don't you remember what you did to my dear brother when he was 7?"

"He was hurting Ruby, what did you expect!" I said

"No Anthony you don't even know the whole story, the reason why Alan wanted to hurt her was because she was the who started it all. My brother was to kind so he never said anything, but one day he told me saying he didn't want to hurt a girl. That it wasn't right. He didn't give me all the details, so I just gave him a hug. Then one of his friends came to me, saying how this girl Ruby was bullying him, making fun of him, making him fall down the stairs, and even physical pain. Of course when I found out I was gonna beat her up myself, but that day he came home running with bruises saying how this kid beat him up for trying to defend himself." Aiden said his anger rising.

"Ruby wouldn't do that she's too kind and sweet." I said not believing his words.

"Really did you actually believe that fake bitch. Anthony have you ever asked her why she was supposedly getting beat up?" I stared at him, now that I think about it she would always cry saying she didnt want to remember anymore. She never answered my question.

"No." "Exactly so don't make assumptions because my brother never laid a finger on that bitch. He told me that she wanna gonna slap him but then his friends began throwing rocks at her to defend him. So you see Ruby only wanted them to get hurt." "Even if she did do that I still love her and that won't change!" I said

"I knew you where gonna say that, but where is she now Anthony" then I realized that this was all his plan. He wanted to hurt her and me, he knew I would come to this school knowing she was here too.

"Where is she!" I said ready to beat the answer out him. "I don't know maybe dead or maybe not. Can you get to her on time before she's dead?" He said smirking.

I walk up to him and punch him with all my strength. He stumbles back and begins laughing. "You're wasting time Anthony....."

As I rush out the classroom I can hear him laughing.

"RUBY!!" I yelled out.

I hear a scream at the end of the classroom. I rush to the end, and slam the door open.

Only to find Ruby throwing herself at David. What the-

Then I noticed that blood was dripping down from Ruby. I looked at Melanie to see her holding the knife she has just killed Ruby with.

Why would she throw herself at David. ......................
David was supposed to die not Ruby.
Ruby died because of Melanie and David.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~              This will be the last update for a while because I have finals this week. I want to pass, so ill be updating after finals. Also for forgotten since I already have a chapter written I'll update only that story.

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