Chapter Five

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Your follow Natasha's lead through the corridors of the compound, ignoring the inquisitive looks you garner from her fellow agents as you pass. The occasional analyst turns in their seat, whispering about you in what they no doubt believe is a discreet manner. Super-hearing however means you hear loud and clear as they debate over whether Fury was crazy to let a prolific Hydra assassin wander freely through their base of operations.

Every now and then, you shoot the culprits a withering look, and smile as they tense and swing back round in their chairs.

"Looks like you're gonna be popular around here." Natasha comments, eyeing the exchange with an amused look.

"Of course. Who could resist my winning personality?" The charming smile you shoot her way only makes her amusement grow, shining in the stunning green of her eyes. Her lips quirk.

"I suppose you're not so bad when you're not trying to murder people," is the most she'll allow you in response.

"I told you, I was never trying to-"

She shakes her head. "I know what you said. You still did a pretty good job of making it look like you were trying to kill me."

You slow to a stop on a railed walkway, overlooking some kind of atrium. Natasha stops with you, raising a brow. The moment you're sure you have her full attention, you take the end of the handrail in your hand, slowly twisting the metal with little effort until it rests in a contorted mockery of its former position.

The calculations about how much strength such a feat would require almost flash visibly in Natasha's eyes, even as she attempts to remain unmoved. "You know you're gonna have to pay to replace that."

"I'm very strong," you say, ignoring her attempt to seem unimpressed. Within a blink, you teleport within a few inches of her. "And very fast."

To her credit, she doesn't flinch at the sudden movement. Her eyes however, drift towards your lips - the way they curl into a smirk is almost an involuntarily response.

"And very attractive," you add pointedly. Her gaze flicks instantly back to yours. "Admittedly, that last part isn't really relevant, but the point is... I went easy on you."

She holds your gaze, her eyes swimming with interest. Then finally, she tilts her head slightly. When she speaks again, she's eyeing your lips once more.


After a moment, she turns on her heel and continues along the walkway, not even sparing a glance backwards to see if you're following. You are. And she knows it.

Somehow, it feels like the enigmatic agent won that round.

She looks over at you as you fall into step beside her. "Did you get part of that speech from Twilight?"

You laugh. She definitely won that round. "Ah, a literary classic of our time. It's a good thing Hydra didn't capture me in the mid 2000's. They would have assigned me as Project Cullen." A horrific thought. "I didn't think it could get much worse than Project Carmilla, but obviously I was wrong."

"Can we rewind to the part where you know what a Cullen is?" Natasha's amusement grows tenfold.

"Talbott played the film in my cell as a form of torture."

It feels like an accomplishment of sorts when her mouth twitches as she tries to contain her laughter. "No wonder you killed him."

"That was the least of his sins, believe me. Besides, between you and me, I kind of ended up enjoying it."

"Your secret is safe with me." She promises solemnly, her eyes sparkling with humour.

Finally, she comes to a stop before a nondescript door that looks much the same as every other door you passed.

Written in Blood - Reader x Wanda / Reader x NatashaWhere stories live. Discover now