Chapter Six

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"Y/N... What is it?" Wanda's voice is distant, a hazy echo from somewhere beyond the ringing in your head and pounding in your skull. Every muscle tenses. You try to flex your fingers, to exert even the smallest amount of control over your own body, but your hands curl into fists regardless. There's no fighting it. There never is.

Wanda approaches, concern etched across her features. It makes a swirling mass of fear and dread settle like a weight in your chest. She's worried about you. For you. 

And you're going to hurt her.

"I told you..." you mumble through gritted teeth, jaw clenched so tight that pain lances through your neck. " run."

Her brow furrows in confusion, before the shock of realisation finally hits her as you dart towards her with preternatural speed. Your hands grip her arms with terrible strength and her pained wince makes you cringe with guilt; there'll be bruises left behind without a doubt.

If she survives this anyway. 

God you hope she survives this.

"Don't do this," she pleads, a desperate warning.

Fruitlessly, you try to will your hands away. To pull yourself back and leave. But the order was clear: Kill everyone in your way. And Wanda is very much in your way. 

You find your hands gripping tighter. "Believe me, I'm trying not to." 

You bare your fangs ready to sink them into Wanda's neck when a powerful wave of scarlet energy pushes you away until your back collides with the far wall.

Wanda circles on you, readying another blast of magic between her hands. "I don't want to fight you, Y/N. I mean it."

"That's really sweet. But you kind of don't have a choice." Not if she wants to live. Hydra has left so much blood on your hands, but you're not sure you can handle having Wanda's on your conscience too. 

Not her. Please not her.

The swirling maelstrom of energy between her hands grows with every second. "I'm sorry," she says, as conflicted as you've ever heard her.

"Me too." Within a second, your form has dissipated into nothing, reappearing behind Wanda before she can strike and wrapping an arm around her throat.

No. No. No! Your mind screams in protest, but your arm only squeezes tighter. Then you bare your fangs one more, this time finally sinking them into the delicate flesh of her neck.

At once, all your resistance leaves you as her warm blood fills your mouth. The moan that escapes you is involuntary. In fact you barely notice it. Barely notice anything but the euphoric high of feeding on the delicious magic that thrums throughout your body with every mouthful of sweet nectar. Through a foggy haze, you distantly feel the body in your arms helplessly struggle. It doesn't penetrate the cloud of bliss that has overcome your brain, nor does the cry of pain break through the rapture that consumes you. 

All you know is you need to feed. To drink and drink until the well runs dry. 

But the possibility is ripped from you when a jolt of magic knocks you suddenly backwards once more. The feeling of loss is instant, even as the blood is still wet in your mouth. Wanda stares back at you, bleary eyed and slightly weak, but all you can focus on is the rivulets of red that stream from the wound on her neck. It calls to you like nothing you've felt before.

Then a tap on the shoulder breaks your focus, snapping you from the intensity of your bloodlust. 

"Mind if I cut in?" Natasha doesn't wait for a response before throwing her first punch. Still disoriented by the chaotic arcane energy surging through your body, her fist catches you square in the face. The second punch however, you're ready for, catching her arm and twisting with more force than you'd ever used in your previous fights.

She grunts in pain, shifting her body to throw a knee towards your midsection. Your grip on her arm loosens, only to deflect the kick she sends your way straight after, before throwing a punch of your own. Her head snaps back with the power of it, forcing her to stumble. Her balance fails her for only a moment however, recovering quickly to deliver another swift kick to your stomach. 

It connects cleanly, but you barely flinch. Then another kick connects. And another. You don't bother stopping it, walking straight through them until the smallest tinge of fear settles in Natasha's eyes. 

Finally, you think. Finally, she realises how much you were holding back before.

There's no holding back now. Not with every part of your body acting automatically, bowing to the will of the control chip. Not with everything in you telling you to kill.

All except for the sole voice of reason in your mind, railing against your actions with everything it has. The voice that is distinctly you, begging your body to defy Hydra. 

Your body doesn't listen.

You catch the next punch she throws, twisting her arm once more and this time using your other hand to grip her hair, yanking her head back.

"So do you regret saying you enjoyed the face punching yet?" You try for lighthearted banter, if only to stop your fear from overwhelming you. Fear that you might succeed in your new mission, and have blood on your hands once more.

"Why? Are you not having fun?" Natasha responds through heaving breaths, flippant despite the struggle and pain in her voice.

Your eyes zero in on the bared flesh of her neck. "Not really. Killing my new friends wasn't exactly high on my to-do list." 

Fight me, you think as your teeth graze her skin. Stop me. Someone stop me!

That's when you hear Wanda rise to her feet behind you, and a burst of relief floods your chest. 

"That won't be a problem," she says, her magic yanking you away from Natasha with force. Before you can recover, another blast hits you, more powerful than anything you've felt before. The floor falls out from under you. Literally. The building crumbling beneath you again and again as her magic sends you careening down, down, down. 

You crash through countless floors until the heavy impact of concrete finally puts a violent halt to your descent. Pain wracks your body, burning through your limbs. Then the rubble lands on top of you, and everything goes blank.

Written in Blood - Reader x Wanda / Reader x NatashaWhere stories live. Discover now