◣ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 1- ɢʀᴀᴅᴇꜱ◥

508 13 21

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Another day in this hell people call school. Everything is just the same. The teachers teach or yell at me for doing the only thing I love, which is building robots. The students study and try their best to pass the grade they are currently in, but some can't even be called students but yes bullies. They like tormenting me, calling me names like "weirdo" or "freak" just because of my interests. I will never understand what goes through their mind and I prefer not knowing anymore.

Today was one of those days the teachers would give our results from the last test we did. I am already betting mine are going to be bad so I'm already mentally prepared.

The teacher gave me the results from the Science test and it doesn't look that bad. I got a 65 but I could still do better if I studied more. Maybe I should start pulling even more all nighters and see if I can get my grades up.

I don't know how the teachers want us to get good results when they make the tests so hard to understand. It's just documents and documents and documents. I feel like I'm learning History instead of Science.

The teacher dismissed us as the lunch bell rang. I quickly stuffed everything in my backpack and made my way to the rooftop, the only place I can be alone without anyone disturbing me.

I opened the heavy doors that connected the outside of the rooftop with the rest of the school. I closed the doors behind me and sat on one of the empty benches. Not long after, my friend, Mizuki, appeared.

They sat beside me and started talking about how much they hate the school because of the bullies and how much they want to dress more feminine and have longer hair. I understood what they were trying to say and started giving some of my opinions to make them feel better.

The conversation continued until Mizuki mentioned the test results.

◣Start Of The Conversation◥

Mizuki: So, Rui, how much did you get in the Science test?

Rui: A solid 65. I could have done better but I was so focused on studying certain topics that I didn't even assimilate the information written in order to respond correctly to the questions asked. What about you?

Mizuki: I didn't do well either. I got a 56. Seems like our numbers kind of switched don't you think?

Rui: Indeed.

Mizuki: Did you hear about the Tenma guy?

Rui: Tenma Tsukasa?

Mizuki: Yes. I heard he got a 98 on the Science test. How is he so smart? Like, by what I heard, he didn't even study that much like the majority of his class.

Rui: He seems like a very smart individual yet so fragile when you look at him. How so?

◣End Of The Conversation◥

I gripped a piece of my shirt. This guy's perfection really is abnormal. How could he have very good grades without seemingly trying? This isn't normal at all. How is this even possible for a normal human being?

There was only one answer. It wasn't normal. It was abnormal. There are no more words I can express this abnormality as.

My thoughts were interrupted as the lunch bell rang once again, warning the students that the lunch break was already over. Mizuki got up and told me they were going to leave and go back to their classes.

I nodded as I watched them open the doors and leave. Guess it's me alone again.

◣Start Of The Conversation◥

Rui: What should I do to be perfect like that Tsukasa guy...?

◣End Of The Conversation◥

To be continued...

ℙ𝕖𝕣𝕗𝕖𝕔𝕥 𝔸𝕓𝕟𝕠𝕣𝕞𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕪 (ℝ𝕦𝕚𝕜𝕒𝕤𝕒)Where stories live. Discover now