Update / Moving Forward

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Hello friends, I hope you are well. I was going to post this paragraph as an announcement, but I think it fits better within the context of this piece.

Over the past couple of days, I have been rereading and editing earlier chapters of Thoughts I Never Intended to Share. In doing so, I found a lot of sections that I really enjoyed, and equally many that I did not. I imagine that many people who write have experienced this. It is very difficult to step back and objectively evaluate one's own writing. Irrespective of this, what bothered me most consistently was the repetition of images. I have a preference, it seems, for certain words to describe many sorts of images. Admittedly, some of the earlier chapters suffer less from this. I appreciate their brevity. However, as I have progressed, I think that I often use the same language but in different contexts. As a result, I felt that some of the passages lacked a unique flavor. A lot of the messages contained within still resonate, but I think I would word them differently now. 

All this to say, in the words of Beethoven, "I am far from satisfied with my past works: From today on, I shall make a new way". It's not that I want to totally change how I approach writing, more that I want to allow my writing to grow with me. I have been writing most of my life, but I started this specific collection almost two years ago. I am a different person now. At the center, I am still me, I have just lived a little more, seen more, and done more. So, going forward, I am going to be editing some of my past works, but more importantly, I will be slowing down with my writing. I will be taking more time to think about how I want to convey a message or describe setting. I think that the art of writing, that is, what makes good writing good, is that it lays just enough of the groundwork for the imagination of the reader to fill in the rest. That is a fine line to walk, and I think I have often fallen too far on the side of using many words to describe an image or idea. At this point in human history, almost no writing will have a unique message. To some degree, everything has already been said. However, what I think makes new writing exciting, is that it brings a fresh perspective to old ideas. In the case of humanity, there will always be at least as many ways to look at an idea as there are people. As such, I want to refine my voice and find what my unique perspective is.

I am looking forward to what comes next!

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