Chapter Nine: Paimon's Hope.

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(Apologies for not updating this story very recently, I had a few problems I needed to handle before coming back to my stories... and by a few, being grounded and having my devices taken away, trying to improve my writing, and schoolwork. Anyways, here you go!)

A few days after the confession...

Lumine was inside her Serenitea Pot, Paimon and Tubby having to lock the door to her room, due to her straining her already worsening condition... compared to before, where she would only get aches at her chest and feel suffocated, it was now harder for her to run, and that worried Paimon...

She was outside the mansion, talking with Tubby about what they could do to make it better for her. Lumine was currently wrapped up in her blanket, sleeping to recover her energy, especially since it is much easier for her to lose it despite doing simple tasks.

"Paimon's scared Tubby.... what if Lumine doesn't make it? Paimon doesn't like seeing Lumine force herself like this..."

"Patience, Paimon. The Traveler is much stronger than you think, and you would be the one who would know that compared to the rest of us."

"But... Paimon knows that Lumine will heal, but... P-Paimon doesn't like seeing the Traveler like this!"

Paimon rubbed her head and looked down at the ground, her eyes teary. Tubby, only being a teapot spirit, knew nothing about what Paimon must've been feeling during that time. They traveled through many nations; Mondstadt, Liyue, Inazuma and Sumeru... wait, Sumeru?

(Okay, so I had a new Genshin account, and I was able to play the Sumeru Quest first before Chasm, so we're sticking with that, please.)

A thought came to Paimon's mind. Maybe... just maybe...

"Wait, Tubby, how does Lumine use the... the... waypoints?! The waypoints! Paimon has an idea!"

"The waypoints? I believe the Traveler... I mean, Lumine simply touches those waypoints. Weren't you always near her whenever she did so?"

"Ahh... Paimon might have been a little bit too stressed out there... but, thanks for reminding me!"

Paimon took the teapot near Tubby, and used it on herself, transporting her outside the Serenitea Pot. A swirl of colors, a shift in balance, and eventually, she landed on the ground, flying up to see the Serenitea Pot in Windrise. She had her mouth hung, shaking it off as she looked for the Tone Deaf Bard. Right now, she just wanted to make sure Lumine was comfortable before doing her original plan...

"Oh, hello dear Paimon."

Paimon squeaked and grabbed the pot, looking at the source of the voice. It was... Venti. Even though he was the person she was lopoking for, she was irritated at the sudden appearance...

"Hey, don't sneak up on Paimon like that, you Tone-Deaf Bard!"

"Sorry sorry, Paimon. But..."

He looked at the left and right of Paimon, his expression falling disappointed before springing back to a smile.

"You wouldn't happen to know where the Traveler is now, would you?"

Paimon opened her mouth, ready to argue, but stopped herself, realizing how much Venti had helped ease Lumine's pain in her vacation days. She put down the pot to its original place and sat down, looking at him.

"Tone-Deaf... Venti, do you know how to help Lumine right now? Paimon's... I'm scared."

Venti was silent. Ever since Paimon came up with the nickname, she's been using it to address him all the time, and he didn't really mind. But seeing her use the name Venti... And the fact she broke out of her referring from a third perspective...

"What's going on with her?"

"Her condition's getting worse... She can't even move normally anymore... Paimon's scared. But... as her travel guide..."

Paimon paused, before continuing.

"Her companion, I wanted to ask you if there's a way to cure her condition."

Venti crossed his arms, his expression grim. This condition... It was familiar to him, but it wasn't something he could remember off the hook.

"I can't really heal her... But I can do my best to slow it down and ease her pain."

"That's... That's good enough for Paimon. Paimon just has some other stuff she needs to do on Lumine's behalf. Tell Lumine I'll be back in a while!"

Before Venti could respond, Paimon was already flying to only she knew where. He could use his powers of the wind to find out, but it would be much better used on helping Lumine... He touched the Serenitea Pot and was let in.

(I will show moments in the Pot. Stay tuned for next chapter.)

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