Indescribably Perfect

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“Did you do the math homework?!” My friend asked frantically as I walked in homeroom.

                “Yes,” I sighed, giving her the paper and sitting down in the seat next to her.

                “You are Jesus! Thank you!” She said pulling out a sheet of her own paper and beginning to copy down my work.

                I smiled at her and said, “No problem.”

                This is what happens every morning. I’m not sure what I really am to her, but I know that she’s smarter than me, she just doesn’t put up as big of an effort. My grades aren’t the best, but I always manage to make High Honor roll every semester. I don’t really know what people think of me, I’m not exactly at the bottom of the totem pole, if you know what I mean. In other words I’m not very popular, like at all. Do you understand my analogy? Not a lot of people really do. Being at the bottom of the totem pole is actually better that being at the top. The carver usually spends the most time at the bottom, and the figures usually are more meaningful. Like you needed to know that, right? Anyway, when I say I’m not popular, I’m seriously not. I walk down the halls practically feeling invisible. The worst thing about being me is that no one really talks to you. And if people do it’s for answers or to copy your homework, or even out of pity. Sometimes they talk to you because you’re the only person they know in that class. I’m that quiet girl who you assumes has a lot of really good friends, but in reality, doesn’t.

                Enough of me though, let’s get back to my story, shall we?

                So, as my school day slowly and painfully slides by, it finally comes to the last period of the day. As the final bell rings I start to head to my locker. It takes me a while because I use a stairway that isn’t very crowded, but is kind of out of the way.

                I started up the stairs, determined to get to my locker and start walking home. I turned the corner after one flight of stairs.

                “Watch it!” Some guy snapped at me as he almost body chucked me into the wall.

                “Watch it yourself, asshole.” I mumbled a little louder than I intended to. I briskly started to walk away, hoping he didn’t hear my comment.

                “What?” He said quickly turning back to face me as I kept my head down and walked forward. Shit…

                “Good one,” I heard someone say as they put my hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see a breathtaking face. Perfectly sculpted jaw and cheekbones, long eyelashes that framed beautiful brown eyes and a perfect smile. The boy in front of me was tan and tall, with dark hair. It was like God sculpted perfection and let it roam around the Earth. I was actually star struck. Perfection stood in front of me… touching me… TOUCHING ME! OH GOD, OH GOD, OH GOD, WHAT THE HELL AM I SUPPOSUE TO DO!?!? I’M FREAKING OUT! I’M IN FREAK OUT MODE!

                That was all in my head, of course. Outside my face was unbearably red and my mouth hung open in a shocked state. So, yeah, I pretty much looked like an idiot.

                “Did you hear what she said to me?!” The guy I insulted said, snapping me back as my mouth shut and my attention went towards him.

                “Yes, I did,” the piece of perfection said to him as he took his hand off my shoulder and started to walk towards him. Both of them were wearing skinny jeans and really big sneakers.

                “Well?” The first guy asked him. He stopped walking towards him and turned around to face me.

                He smirked “I don’t know!” he said as he started to laugh. His laugh was like a present, the one that you’ve been waiting for. And his smile was the little bow on top… The best thing in the world.

                I kept walking upstairs, even though I really want to know that guy’s name and know if I would see him again. But I probably won’t. This was like a gift from the Heavens saying: “Hey, her life sucks! Why don’t we make it a little better, and then she can happy for a little while. But we’ll take it away and she’ll wonder why she’s alive again!” I bet they giggled at that… Little devils…

                “Hey!” The really attractive one said to me. I quickly turned back and stopped on the stairs. “What’s your name?” He asked looking up at me.

                My name…? He really wants to know my name? Me?! I pointed to myself, reassuring that he was talking to me.

                “Yes, you!” He laughed, “Who else is there?”

                I quickly looked around. Yup, no one. No one, but me was there. I just made myself look like an idiot around a very attractive guy and his friend, who enjoys chucking people into walls…

                He laughed more still looking up at me, “So… What’s your name?” he asked a second time.

                Oh, right! My name! My name! My name… Shit. I completely forgot my own name. Why now?! Uhhh… It started with a… a… J…? Yes! A J! It started with a J… Jessie! That’s it! My name is Jessie! Thank Jesus I remembered!

                “Jessie,” I blurted out without realizing it. Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. I feel like a complete moron! I couldn’t even remember my own name and when I do, it just fell out of my mouth! I could feel my face becoming red as I clutched onto my bag for dear life.

                My thoughts were interrupted by laughter, beautiful laughter… “Nice name!” He called up to me, “I’m Zayn.” He said with a smile, “Maybe I’ll see you around,” He added with a wink and left.

                I was completely taken by him. He was just so… So… Pretty. My face grew even redder and I started to feel embarrassed. I don’t even know why! He was gone and no one was around me, so why won’t these butterflies go away? I sat up against the wall thinking of all these things, and to comprehend what just happened. Zayn, Zayn, Zayn… It’s so unique, and different. And the person… indescribably perfect.

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