Part 2

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                Too bad that was the last I saw of him. Those angels must have another plan for me… But I wish it was him. To be honest, I couldn’t get that encounter off my mind. It’s been almost a week now too. I really am pathetic. Zayn… His name echoed through my head all week. And all of my school work has been getting done, but I always find myself getting sidetracked thinking of him. It’s so bad. So bad to the point that I’ve sat on that stairwell at the end of the day until everyone left. Even if I did see him, I would probably just say hi… Nothing else. I need a life. Ugh.

                And to my locker I go! I started to go really slow up the stairs… Again. I’m so depressing, he’s just some guy anyway! A really attractive guy… But, nevertheless, a guy!          My head drooped as I slowly made my way up the stairs.

                “Hey!” I heard a voice call. I slowly rose my head up to see who said it, they probably weren’t talking to me, but I wanted to see who it was.

                Low and behold, there he was smiling at me. Zayn. I must’ve done something right for once, because the universe is being so kind to me!

                “Oh,” I stuttered, “Hey!” I smiled back at him. My heart began to race almost immediately, I swear I felt like I was going to have a heart attack right then and there. God, this boy is going to be the death of me…

                “Jessie, right?” He asked while joining me to walk up a second flight of stairs. He remembered?!

                A giggled escaped my lips, I think it was my body’s natural reaction of attempting to ‘be cute’, “Yeah, and you’re Zayn.” I said with a big smile.

                “How do you know that?” He asked dramatically and jokingly, his smile lighting up the entire world in the process.

                “Oh,” I said playing along, “You know, I’m just me…” I giggled more as he laughed. My face must’ve been a whole new shade of red it was so warm. My head stared at our feet slowly waking up the stairs.

                “Do you walk home?” He asked me. Yes… I do… Is he really interested in that kind of stuff?

                “Uhhh, yeah” I stammered while nodding my head. Damn, I felt like I was going to exploded!

                “That’s cool, that’s cool…” He said back, kind of fading at the end. He was so awkwardly cute…

                “Yeah…” I managed to say. I couldn’t find any words, it was like my brains dictionary just… left.

                “Are you a senior?” He asked after a moment of silence. Is he a senior? Now that I think of it, I’ve never seen him in any of my classes…

                “No,” I sputtered out, “No, I’m a junior.” I said looking at him, then after I saw he was looking back at me, my head returned to the floor. I was nervous around him, the butterflies in my stomach won’t calm down, it was a great feeling, but so painful at the same time.

                “Oh,” He said as we finished the flight of stairs. I made sure to walk extra slow so I could get the maximum amount of time in with him.

                “Mhmm…” I murmured as I started to walk towards my locker.

                “Oh!” He said to me as he started to walk the other way, “I’m going this way!” He smiled, “I’ll see you around, Jessie!” He shouted as he turned around and walked away from me.

                “B- Bye!” I stuttered and attempted a wave. But it was more like I raised my hand kept it there for a few seconds and then he was lost in the crowd.

                My heart sank when I couldn’t see him anymore and my face started to cool down. I started to walk down to my locker, feeling invisible again.

                And there he goes again…

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