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Felix woke up gasping for air, shooting upright. His heart was racing, tears were running down his face as he choked out a sob. It took him a second to remember where he was. He took a shaky breath as he ran his hand through his hair, wiping the still falling tears from his face. Breathe, just breath, he thought to himself. This wasn't the first time this has happened, but it's been several weeks since the last episode.

Felix grounded himself, and got out of bed and walked over to the window. The sun was peeking through the horizon. Felix stared at the beautiful colors as they started to light up the sky. How did we get here, Felix thought to himself. Though he already knew the answer to that question. It all started 2 years ago.

2 years ago.

Felix's head was throbbing, he was definitely not in a good situation and needed to get out of there fast. He was currently tied to a chair, a bleeding gash above his right eye and a swelling left eye.

"Hang in there boss, we are almost there to get you out," Seungmin said through his hidden earpiece.

"That's all you got," Felix snarled at the person in front of him.

The masked man in front of him swung at him and connected with his jaw. Fuck, Felix thought to himself.

"Boss, don't get yourself killed before we get there!" Han said, gunning it.

Felix spit blood out at the person in front of him. His vision was a bit blurry, but he needed to buy more time for his team to get there.

"I am going to ask you one more time. How did you find this location?" The man behind the mask said.

Felix was about to speak when the door flew open. Another masked man walked up to the first one and they whispered together. They both looked over at Felix and walked out, leaving him alone.

"Now's your chance if you're almost here," Felix whispered into his earpiece.

"Got it. We are touching down now. Be ready," Chan said back to him.

Felix wiggled in his ropes trying to loosen them up. He rocked the chair back and forth until he fell to one side with a crash. Looking up at the door to see if anyone was coming he held his breath. After a few seconds when no one showed up he lifted his right foot up to his face and clicked the front with his chin. A small knife popped out and he grabbed it with his teeth. He turned his head and dropped the knife in his hand. Quickly he started cutting the rope, glancing at the door every so often.

A huge explosion went off in the building and that was his que to cut faster. Felix finally cut through and was getting his hands out of the tanglement. He got up and touched the gash on his face, he brought his hand down and there was blood on his fingertips. Damn, it's still bleeding, Felix thought to himself. He took a deep breath and wiped his hand off on his pants. He walked over to the door opening it slightly and peeked out. The coast was clear and opened the door wider and snuck out. Smoke and dust clouded the air from the explosion earlier. He walked along the wall, glancing back every once in a while to make sure no one was there. As he got closer to the corner of the hallway he slowed down hearing voices shouting.

"Someone go check on the prisoner, we got it from here." A man shouted.

Felix stepped a few steps back, pushing his body against the wall. He held the knife up in his right hand ready to defend himself. He heard footsteps running closer to him and he held his breath trying to remain silent. The man was about to round the corner when he suddenly dropped. Felix remained still, waiting to see what would happen next. Two men in all black and mask rounded the corner.

"Felix!" Seungmin exclaimed.

Felix light out a breath, thank god, he thought to himself. His whole body ached and he needed to get the gash on his head checked out. Seungmin approached him and the younger wrapped his arm around his waist.

"I gotcha," Seungmin said, letting the older put some of his weight on him.

"Let's go. They have reinforcements coming soon," Chan said, quickly glancing down the hallway and back at Felix.

"Let's go," Felix said, and they all started to move quickly down the hallway.

They made it quickly to the car, passing several bodies on the way out. Felix quickly looked around to see if he noticed anything unusual before they all climbed into the car. The van door closed and they sped away.

None of them noticed the black car hidden behind the side of the building. The man sitting in the driver seat, watching them closely as he blew out smoke, grinning to himself. Well this is going to be fun, he thought.

sooooooo, thoughts? definitely different then other stories i have written!

I will warn this book will get dark at times and it's not going to be for everyone.


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