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Changbin sat in his car outside the building Hyunjin and Felix were in. What are they doing in there? He thought to himself. He was far enough away to not be seen by Hyunjin but close enough to where he would be able to see them once they walked out. What could this building even be? I didn't know we had property out here, he thought while looking around at the surrounding buildings.

Lee Know had called him last night giving him a mission to tail Hyunjin. He thought the request was odd and didn't feel super comfortable tailing their boss. But Lee Know insisted and said it was for Hyunjin's safety. To say he was surprised to see Felix was an understatement.

What's going on between them? Changbin thought. Is this why Lee Know wanted me to follow him? I didn't want to question Lee Know's motives, but I don't feel great about following Hyunjin either. What if he finds out? How do I explain I was only following Lee Know's orders?

Changbin's mind raced with so many questions. He jumped when his phone vibrated in the cup holder beside him, shaking him out of his thoughts. "Hello?"

"Changbin, any updates for me?" Lee Know asked from the other line.

Changbin bit his lip, a nervous habit he has always had, he wasn't sure how much he wanted to tell the older. "Not really. I am still following him, but nothing to report yet," he lied.

The other line went silent. Lee Know was trying to decide if he believed the younger or not. "Okay, well keep me updated," he finally said.

Changbin sighed in relief, "Sounds good. I will let you know."

They hung up and Changbin glanced back at the warehouse that he saw Hyunjin and Felix go through. This is a bad idea, he thought as he got out of the car and made his way to the warehouse. He quietly walked around the warehouse. Seeing if there were any vantage points that he could see inside or another entrance. He noticed a few high windows on either side of the warehouse and another door in the back of the warehouse.

Of course it would be a high window, Changbin thought. Not only is he short, but he is also afraid of heights. He looked around to see if there was anything he could use to reach the window. He noticed a barrel on one side of the warehouse and went to move it. Fuck, why is this thing so heavy, he thought as he rolled in underneath the window.

Changbin was out of breath by the time he reached the window and wiped his forehead. The things I do, he thought. He took a breath and climbed on top of the flat side of the barrel. Damn it, he thought. He was barely able to see into the window and had to go onto his tippy toes. He gripped the edge of the window to try and keep his balance and looked down into the warehouse.

Changbin could see the warehouse was littered with paintings and drawings. This must be Hyunjin's studio, he thought. No wonder I didn't know about it. He knew their leader liked his privacy and wasn't surprised that he didn't know about the space. He finally noticed the two men. He saw Felix sitting on the stool and Hyunjin was in front of a canvas painting the other.

Why would Hyunjin bring him here? Is he not worried Felix will figure out who he is? I guess Hyunjin was careful when we were holding Felix, but still pretty risky, Changbin thought. He kept watching them when his phone vibrated again in his pocket. He pulled it out reading the text from Lee Know.

I know you were lying on the phone earlier. Tell me what you found before I pull up your location and drive there myself.

Changbin's eyes widened, he thought he had gotten away with lying earlier. What should I do? He thought. He took a deep breath, trying to weigh his options. If I lie and he looks up my location I'm screwed, but Hyunjin obviously kept this from us for a reason and if he finds out I told Lee Know I'm screwed, he thought. His phone buzzed in his hand again. Another text from Lee Know.

Don't keep me waiting.

Changbin gulped. He knew how impatient and awful Lee Know could be. He glanced back down through the window at Hyunjin. But isn't he much worse? He asked himself.

Changbin's fingers hovered over his phone getting ready to text when a noise from inside the warehouse caught his attention. He looked up from his phone and down into the warehouse and his eyes widened.

There inside, Hyunjin and Felix were kissing. What the fuck, Changbin thought. Never did he expect for things to turn out this way. Fuck. What do I do now? If I tell Lee Know there's no telling what he will do. Should I just not say anything and see how this plays out? He asked himself.

Changbin continued to watch the two men inside the warehouse when his phone vibrated again in his hand. Glancing down at his phone he saw another message from Lee Know.

You have five seconds to reply.

Fuck. Changbin thought. He needed to decide what to do. He quickly texted back without thinking. 

Hyunjin has just been following Felix. Doesn't seem like anything's happening today.

Shit. I need to get out of here before he pulls my location anyways, Changbin thought. He glanced inside again but the two men were no longer there. Yeah, it's time to go, he thought. He quickly climbed down and made his way back to his car almost running into Hyunjin and Felix. He stayed hidden behind the warehouse until they left. What have I gotten myself into, he thought.


I'm sorry I haven't been updating consistently. It's been hard keeping up with all three stories with my full time job as well!

988 words

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