July seventh! Mic time!

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"ARE YOU READY!" Present mic yelled at the top of his lungs. Cheers filled the room.

It was Mics birthday. So it was a small party of close friends. Consisting of Mic, me, Midnight, Mt.Lady, All might, Crust, Endeavor, Ms.Joke, Thirteen, Hawks, dragon hero, Best Jeanist, and that's pretty much it.

Everyone was dressed rather comfortable, most in oversized shirts and sweatpants or shorts.

I was having fun for the most part, aside the fact that, she, was here.

Emi, she was drunk, and laughing, and it didn't help she was wearing those shorts that just were ridiculous.

"AIZAWA-KUN" I heard a loud yell. I quickly snapped my head up, seeing it was mic, i nodded as in yea.

"It's your turn, take a shot or when we play t and d you'll get punished," I shrug, I was feeling lazy this time so just took a shot, claps and laughs were around the room, "Feeling lame shota?" Mic snickers, as if I take that shit offensively.

I just nod, not wanting to speak to much.

I knew I was a horrible drinker, any and every time I drank I ended up doing something embarrassing that I regretted the next day.

It had never been to bad, just midly childish of me and I had a strict reputation.

Everyone else on the other hand was drinking like there was no tomorrow, we were all staying the night here at Hizashi's house. He had quite a mansion if I'm honest. And everyone basically had a room.

After a couple hours of just drinking and chattering and eating cake, it was time for our best game yet. Truth or dare.

It might sound kiddish but we took it to extremes, a few times getting scolded by the principal of U.A. As most of us were teachers there and would be considered a "bad influence" if they saw what we did.

Anyhow the game begun, Mic started out, "Ahhh, ok ok ok, crust, truth or dare." He said, crust out a finger to his chin mockingly, "Ah! I'll stay safe, truth!" "Not so smart crust, what was your biggest crush when you first began a hero." Mic said.

Crust laughed loudly, "Aha! Easy, it was most likely dragon, I admired her strength and confidence!" He says, she smiles widely at him, "so kind as always crust!" She says slapping his back as he chuckled.

He looked around, before his eyes landed on best jean, "truth or dare Jean!" He says smiling, Jean paused, "Dare." He says calmly, "Take off your mask," crust says, and Jean hesitates a bit before dragging it down his face, he revealed himself.

His face was quite decent honestly, nothing shocking just you could tell females would kill for him. Ok maybe that means he's good looking. Whatever I don't care.

A/N: imma call him Jean for short.

Jean looks around, deciding to keep his mask off, and his question is for rumi, who's then asks mt.lady, who then goes for endeavor, who finally asks hizashi.

Once hizashi finished his dare of prank calling his ex girlfriend, he turns to me, "Shota!" He say's excited and I feel a tad bit the same. Eager to see what he has stored. "Dare." I say, before he even asks.

I think I should've chosen truth.. because he stared at me grinning sinisterly.

"Yknow what Aizawa? That's it, we've had like ten rounds, it's time for a serious dare."

I gulp, knowing drunk hizashi he's probably bad.
But I shake it off acting confident, "Hit me with your best shot bitch." I say, taking a sip of my wine.

"I dare you, to let emi live in your apartment for a month."

I spit out my wine, choking, might I add. "WHAT?" I yell. I was pissed, i turned to look at her, she was just twiddling her fingers and blushing a lot. I made a face, grossed out by her reaction.

"Hizashi! Come on dude you know how much I hate her." I mumbled, and it seemed to have caught his ear, he sighed, "Come on Shota she's not bad."

I turn to her who was now just staring at me, biting the inside of her cheek.

I sighed and thought for a minute, the room silent.

I never let down a dare.

"Fine." I say, and everyone's head perks up, including hers, "But she won't stay in the same room as me."

Everyone begins to cheer and I see her lips curve upward a bit and her ears go pink.

I almost smiled then realized that's emi I'm looking at, ew.

The night continued and soon enough, half of us are passed out in our separate rooms or in the living room. We all trusted one another and nobody was uncomfortable.

I laid in my bed, well, my guest bed. I sat and thought about emi. Ugh it was going to be a nightmare living with her. Yet why was a part of me, just a little part of me, excited? No. Happy? Nah. Relaxed kinda, maybe she'll get less annoying so I won't kick her out, Yesh

Actually she's not possible if not being annoying. I don't know, speaking of emi. The devil must've heard me because somebody opens my door, and I hear it close then footsteps come closer.

I blinked a few times as someone turns on their phone flashlight,

"Emi?" I murmur, pretending to be half asleep, she just turns off the flash and crawls into the bed next to me, "Tadashi, stop talking and just let me sleeeeeep." She says quietly as she lays her head on my chest.

I was pissed, why was she in my personal space, who was tadashi? Ah, right. I remeber now, her ex. He had left her for another woman in Tokyo I think. She told me earlier, seeming unsure of her words, honestly I just tuned her out.

I just stared at her now, the light had adjusted and I could see her, she was so drunk she couldn't tell who I was. God I wanted her off of me, and quickly.

I go to wake her up, "Oiiii, off right now!" I say, the walls were soundproof as hizashi didn't want any distractions at night when he got this hosue. So I had yelled that out.

She rubs her eyes, "Tadashi..? Why do I have to get off.." she blinks again, and again and again and suddenly she yells, falling off the bed. "Oh my, I'm so sorry, I thought. I-I thought you."

I cut her off, "Thought I was your ex yeah whatever, I don't care."

She immediately smirks and returns to her flirty self, "Ah! I knew you'd warm up to me one day shots! We're already sleeping in the same bed just like a husband and wife!" She says all happily.

"I'd rather die than marry you of all people, or even get married."

She smiles and gets up, walking to the door, "I won't stop trying, Aizawa. Also, I knew you weren't tadashi, I just wanted to see what your heartbeat is like, yet, I still couldn't. Goodnight Shota!"

My god, she said a lot for me to take at once, wait so she just acted this all out, why would she-, ugh lord I just wanted to sleep.

Whatever I'll figure out tomorrow, for now let me sleep.

I've come to a conclusion though. She's always flirting with me and invading my space. Always saying weird things like date me or marry me. Always following me around and putting her nose in my business, always laughing and liking. Jesus.

I hate Emi Fukukado.

A/N : Hi. Um. Author here, i have never wrote a story before and posted it, so I decided why not start with one of my favs? I love these two, and yeah Aizawa will continue to hate her in these first few chapters but he'll warm up to her soon.
Alright I'll post another chapter either tomorrow or the day after! It'll always be like that, I'll update a lot. Sadly this is kinda a slow burn, I hate slow burns but hey I wanna make it realistic atleast a little bit! So Anyway, I'm signing out! Later!!

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