Super simp

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A/N : this chapter is finally Emi's pov, she's a simp obviously so bare with me.

Also please keep in mind this is my less serious fanfiction of these two before I start a actual good serious one.

Anyway on with the story cuz nobody reads these lmao.

Emi Pov:

When we arrived I was starstruck as usual, it was memorable obviously, I've been to Nemuris pool often but it's just so nice that I keep getting amazed.

I unintentionally looked over for Aizawa and saw him walking with mic, I smiled, yeah he did love mic a lot.

I made my way in and immediately went to the bathroom to change. I thanked Nemuri for having a indoor and outdoor bathroom.

It was nice and clean and i quickly changed into my bikini.

It was a green/sage green top with a orange bottom, it was kinda tight but I didn't mind, we were all adults here so.

Anyway I grabbed my bag and walked back out, taking the orange headband out of my hair and placing it on top of my bag.

I quickly yelled out "Watch out for the middle!" As I jumped into the pool laughing.

When I came back out I saw everybody laughing and softly smiled, I wasn't using my quirk around them, and it made me happy seeing they weren't forcing their laughter.

Anyway we all swam around for a bit and pushed eachother into the pool, and played tag and shark and all sorts of kids games, then we had decided on volleyball.

I ran out of the pool to go grab the volleyball, I saw Aizawa stand up to stretch, as he did mic yelled out "Shota! Why don't you come join us in the pool! Atleast to play volleyball! Pleaseeeeee!" He said as loud as every, everyone was silent and waiting for his reply.

It was simply a no, "Awww come on eraser be fun!" Crust says smiling, Aizawa stood there and bit his lip softly, "Still a no, it's pointless and boring," he says and I grab the volleyball and smirk.

"Nemuri! Catch!" I yell and throw it at her, she catches the volleyball and then everyone watches as I proceed to run up behind Shota.

I jump on his back, pushing him into the pool as I laughed loudly, I felt the cold water touch my skin and I closed my mouth to prevent water rushing in.

When my head popped out the water I saw everyone clapping, "Well that's quite a way to get him in!" Mt.Lady says laughing.

I look down as I'm still kinda on his back, I realize my hold on him and back off, I smile and watch as he turns around.

He sighed and just grumbled in annoyance, his hand slips up to his face, to which he moves his wet hair out of his face, I feel my face warm up and quickly looked away.

God why was he brutally attractive.

"Not so loud anymore, cat finally have your tongue." He says, and I could hear the sarcasm lingering in his tone.

I smirk, "Shota! So you like when I speak! Oh such a romantic man!" I say and swoon around,

"Anddd she's back to normal, sadly for me." He mumbled under his breath.

I smile and head over to the other side of the pool.

"TIME FOR VOLLEYBALLLLLLL!!" Endeavor says, shaking the water.

The teams were me, hizashi,Jean,nemuri, crust, endeavor on one team. And Hawks, Aizawa, Mt.lady, thirteen, dragon hero, and all might.

I hadn't really seen thirteen without her suit on but boy she was adorable! She was flexible as well.

Anyway the game began, and it started off with midnights serve. She had a horrible serve and we laughed as it hit the net.

"Emi switch out with me!" She asks, grinning. I nod and swim my way over grabbing the ball, I take a breath and raise my hand, smacking the ball as hard as I could.

It flew way over the net and I smiled, mic managed to hit it and thirteen swung it over, Jean caught it in time and bumped it across the net again,

We played for about a hour or so before I served again, I set my caprison down and grabbed the ball, I took a deep breath this time and swung as hard as my arm would let me,

So that was a horrible idea. I might've underestimated my strength and it went flying for shota, smacking him right in the face.

I put a hand over my mouth, eyes wide, Shota simply looked up to me, pissed as hell.

His nose began to bleed like crazy, a few drops landing in the pool.

"A-Aizawa! I'm so sorry! Oh my god are you ok?!" I yell. He just clicks his tongue and makes his way out the pool, everyone began to laugh and I just smiled nervously.

Everyone laughed and it wasn't in a rude way, they simply found it funny I get it, but I felt worry.

"Guys, continue without me I'm gonna go check on Shota." I said, everyone just nodded and mic took the tiny blood covered ball.

I smile and get out of the pool, I walk inside the pool house, biting my nails, I look around and ended up finding Shota in the bathroom, door open as he was just cleaning his nose.

I blushed, grabbing the emergency kit on my way, anyway I walk in and he glanced at me.

"What." He says in his monotone voice, ugh how I wanted to see him actually have a emotion.

I attempt a smile, "I'm sorry, allow me to clean that for you please, it's the least I can do." I said, Bowing to show my remorse.

It was a awkward silence and I started to blush, "Alright." He says normally, my head pops up with a smile.

I pull out some cloth and alcohol to clean his nose, I sat him down on a chair and carefully began to clean his nose, the blood all dry now.

After a while he says a small 'ow' and I hesitate, "sorry." I mumble, and continue to clean, just more soft now.

I began to realize how close we were  and I smirk before saying, "Ah! Look at us Shota, I'm cleaning your wounds like a wife and her bodyguard husband~!"

He then grabs my wrist and placed it down at my side, taking the cloth, "Guess not, now I'm cleaning it myself." I smile softly waiting for him to realize.

He sighed, realizing his nose was already cleaned up. "Arigato." He mumbled and walks off, "Shota! Just don't get into the water for half a hour! It could start up again!" I yell out as he walks back outside.

I grab the kit and put it up, then throw away the bloody cloth in the trash. I go and stare into the mirror. A voice in my head then says,

Look how ugly you are Emi. And so annoying and loud, always bothering Eraser, thinking he'll ever love you, you should just give up. And look at you. You've gotten so fat. Disgusting.

I bite my lip, and felt my eyes tear up, I quickly blinked so that they would leave. I stare at my body, realizing it was right. I had gotten much fatter, a wopping 5 pounds even. This year had barely began and I was on the wrong start.

I attempted to stop crying but the tears were staring up. I washed my face so that I wouldn't start crying, and head back outside. Suddenly I was cautious of my body, I'd have to go shopping for a different swimwear tomorrow or soon, I thought.

I make my way into the pool playing it off, and suddenly I'm back to normal.

Ms.Joke, the smile hero, always laughing and smiling. Always happy.

Yeah, happy. I like being happy. So I'll ignore that voice. Yet I can't help but feel sad sometimes.

I then look at Aizawa who happened to also be staring at me, I suppose he realized my mood and gave me a thumbs up, I grinned from ear to ear.

He was so nice. He finds me annoying yet does small things to make me happy.

I'm so in love with Aizawa Shota. And he doesn't even know it.

Annoying. : Aizawa x Ms.JokeWhere stories live. Discover now