! Prologue !

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Clouds of smoke seem to be coming up from tumbling concrete. As it crashes down, feet tirelessly carry a guardian who was avoiding the obstacles. A giant, broken piece of this concrete comes hurling towards Dream, cackling being heard from the direction it was thrown. Dream felt a hard impact in his spine, falling to the ground. "HggAk-!" The giant shard of concrete falls close in front of him, shattering into smaller bits. His attention was quickly replaced with more pressure to his spine. A foot nestled mercilessly into his injury.

"Oh dear brother, give up now. This will be very easy.. for me." The pure darkness leaking off of 'Nightmare' seeped like acid onto Dream's spine. He hissed from the burning pain-- It felt as if a million tiny daggers were being used to cut into his bone-- On top of his existing pain, it only made him feel worse. His enemy took in his negative energy like an addicting substance-- only growing powerful by the second. A hunger-crazed demon.

To his enemy's dismay, Dream did not lose hope. Struggling from beneath its grip. He practically slipped loose before 'Nightmare' re-applied a harder pressure to his back. Leaning down closer and screeching in a purely monstrous way. "STAY RIGHT THERE."

Some goop from its face came drooling down its chin and dripping onto Dream's back. He winced painfully from the substance-- continuing to struggle despite his best interests. It picked the positivity guardian up by the back of his tunic and threw him about 4 feet off to the left. "Play ti-t -tiimee~" 'Nightmare' let off with a deep, glitchy rumble to its words. Its dark energy consuming what tiny bit of light Dream had left. The sky became a darker rotted hyacinth, plastering the air with loneliness and death. The feeling of eeriness was only amplified by dead-minded creatures whom trotted their way across a dead field to Dream. The beaten guardian struggled to get onto his feet, looking up to gaze upon these zombie-like monsters moments before he was picked up by the scarf. A deafening scream came from the gooey mouth of his current captor. He closed his eye sockets, grabbing onto the monster's hand and attempting to pry it off of him-- which he managed-- falling to the ground.

Dream rolled across the rocky floor to avoid impact very close to his skull. One of the other zombies had let off a punch with such force their hand was now stuck within the soil. If he wouldn't of dodged, stars know where he'd be know.

The negativity king was nowhere to be found so his rival took a chance to flee the scene. Picking himself up with what strength he could now muster-- he ran while the zombies were distracted. Ran but not far until he tripped on his face. Blood noticeably dripped down his nose. No time to wipe it as he picked himself up and continued on until he found refuge from these slow monsters.

Panting whilst hiding behind a tree he covered his mouth and forced himself to catch his breath. Keeping quiet as possible. Dream looked over the trunk for a split second, whipping his head back. There were so many corrupted monsters now searching for him. He frantically reached into his satchel, pulling out a shimmering crystal. He used his remaining magic to make use of its contents-- This teleported him right back to a campsite he'd been staying at for the past 3 months now. He fell to the floor pathetically, letting his tired body go. Now safe..

Everything blacked out.

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