Im really here! Pt.3 (Ch.1)

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"Hey sweet pea" Lee says when I enter the house. "How was your time out today?"

"It's was great I had so much fun!" I reply

"Im glad you had fun. Im working on dinner so I'll call you down when it's ready" Lee says while I start to head upstairs.

"Sounds good dad!" I shout back before shutting my door.

I turn to see Louis sitting on my bed waiting for me to join him.
I sit down next to him and smile "wanna watch a movie?" I ask.

"Sure what movie did you have in mind?" Louis asks.

"I was thinking we could watch Aladdin." I say looking up to him

"Sounds like a plan." He replies looking back down on me
We settle ourselves under the covers and turn on the movie. I lay my head on his chest and he wraps his arm around my waist holding me close. It makes my heart flutter I wish I could be in this position forever.

About 15-20 minutes later we hear Lee calling us down for dinner. "Kids food ready!" He calls.

"Coming dad!" I yell back pulling Louis out of bed and down the stairs.

1 hour time skip

We finish dinner and Louis heads back upstairs. I stay back to say goodbye to my parents for the weekend.

"Bye sweet pea we'll see you in a few days" Lee says hugging me close

"We're gonna miss you." Carley adds joining the hug.

"I'll miss you guys to." I say looking up at my parents.

I head back up stairs when they walk out the door. "Louis I'm back." I say when I open the door.

"Hey darling you ready to have the best weekend of your life?" He asks sitting up in the bed.

I giggle and shake my head "Yes Lou I'm ready, we're gonna have so much fun." I say walking towards the bed.

I climb in bed and unpause the movie. I relax and wait for Louis to finish changing into his Pajama's.

He walks back into the room in only his shorts.
I blush and burry my head into the blanket. He was beautiful his skin smooth his freckled face perfect and his wonderful dreads laying in the beautiful way on his head. I felt my face heat up.

"You alright darling?" He asks slightly laughing.

"Yea I'm fine you just look- so. How do I describe this... Absolutely breath taking." I say I unburying my face from the covers.

He climbs into bed and wraps his arm around my waist and goes to hold my face with the other. He looks down at me and kisses me softly.

I kiss him back as my heart races and my stomach fills with butterflies.
We both pull back at the same time and lie down.
I lay my head on his chest "Goodnight my love." I say as a begin to drift of to sleep.

"Goodnight gorgeous." Louis replies giving me a peck on the head and slowly drifting of to sleep with me in his arms.

This really is a dream come true

Heyy! Chapter one is done and yes i know I said that I would only post once a day but I'm to impatient so I'll be posting parts as they are finished so enjoy!💗

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