The weekend pt.1 (Ch.2)

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I wake up the next morning I look beside me and smile seeing Louis laying next to me.
I sit up and stretch, then reach over and check the time on my phone. It's 11:36 I climb over Louis and walk over to my closet to find an outfit for the day.

"Good morning darling." I hear Louis say as I grab out my favorite sweater.

"Good morning my love." I say moving towards my dresser to grab a pair of socks.
"I'm gonna get dressed I'll be right back." I say opening the door.

"No don't leave me." He says sleepily. I could tell he wasn't fully awake yet.

"I need to get dressed just wait here." I say with a smile.

"Fine." He says sitting up in bed.
I walk to the bathroom and lock the door behind me.

I put on my clothes and pull on my hoodie,
Then I grab my brush and and brush out my hair.
I leave the bathroom and walk into the bedroom Louis was already changed and sitting on the bed waiting for me.

"You sure took your time." Louis says standing up.
I walk over to him and hug him, he hugs me back. I look up at him with a wide smile. He looks back at me and pecks my forehead. Letting go of the hug I go walk downstairs Louis not far behind.
I enter the kitchen and open the fridge

"What should we have for breakfast?" I ask looking back at Louis who is leaning against the island

"I was thinking we could have something simple." He replies

"Simply like what?" I ask "a bowl of cereal?"

"Yes actually cereal sounds great." He says walking over to the pantry.
I shake my head with a smile grabbing out the milk and placing it on the island.
Louis pulls out a box of cereal and two bowls, i grab the spoons and we eat our food.

"So what are we gonna be doing today?" Louis asks through a mouth full of cereal.

" I'm not sure." I say as I finish drinking my milk
" We'll figure it out don't worry." I continue as I stand up and put my bowl in the sink.

Louis finishes up his cereal and put his bowl in the sink. We walk to the living room and sit on the couch. He sits next to me and wraps his arm around my waist. I put my arm around his and lay my head on his shoulder.

Louis grab the remote and asks me "What do you think we should watch y/n." he turns on the TV I think to myself wondering what we should watch.

"Honestly, I'm not sure. You can pick." I say laying back on the couch.

Louis goes onto Netflix and starts looking for something to watch. I watch as he scrolls through the hundreds of movies and TV shows.
I then see something that catches my eye
"Hey Louis what about this one." I say, pointing to a show called community.
"This looks like it could be good." I say leaning back into the couch.

"Sure we'll watch this for a bit, but afterwards I have an idea." He grinned. He clicked onto the show and laid back his head now on my shoulder.

And chapter 2 begins!! I'll try to post parts more often I just needed a break bc of school but hey I'm back and if you have any suggestions for things you wanna do with Louis comment them I need ideas anyways. Just keep it PG anyways have a great day!!

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