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It was a beautiful scene, birds were chirping, flowers littering fields as the sun set.

Everything was perfect. However, up above in the sky, a man is falling, with no way of stopping his descent, he braces himself for the impact. Ready to die, he closed his eyes and cursed at the god that put him in this predicament.

Just as he started to get near land, he started to slowly float as the momentum of the fall gradually slowed down. The man previously falling has now touched down and took his time reflecting on his near death experience. Wind started to swirl around a certain area as it sped up, dust, petals from flowers and grass got caught in the small tornado as it obstructed what was inside. Slowly, as it slowed down, a man taller than the one that was free falling was found at the center of the small tornado.

“Hello Alan, I am sincerely sorry for that, it was an accident. I hope you can forgive me as I just resurrected you.” The man that appeared from within the small tornado spoke.

“Yeah, sure, whatever, as long as I get to live another day then I’m fine.” The man named Alan spoke back.

“As a sorry gift I will give you an extra ability that will certainly help you on your journey. Just use it wisely, I chose you to be resurrected because I saw potential in you. Don’t let it go to waste, you will become a large beacon of hope for many.”

“Alright, appreciate it Henry.”

“I do have to tell you, the first week will let you grow and set up at least a settlement. Enough time to set up a small force and establish a foothold but after that first week, you are going to have to face other nations, maybe bandits in the first few days after the week.”

“Alright, again appreciate the heads up.”

"Oh and again, before you go, I want to give you a few things."

Right next to Henry's feet, several things spawned, the most notable one, a gun.

Before I could say anything else, Henry disappeared into thin air. That's gonna get old, real quick.

Upon closer inspection it looks like he had given me a Glock 19 with some ammunition, a Lv. III Kevlar Vest, Large Capacity Backpack, one switchblade and some BLT sandwiches followed by water bottles.

After putting on the kevlar vest & the huge backpack and finish holstering my glock in the right pocket, I started to wander aimlessly in one direction. Hoping to find a good place to start building a small settlement.

I started to whistle "Pumped Up Kicks" as I got bored in my wander. Going through what seemed like a dense and deep forest, it was terrible, mud covered the ground, obstacles littered around forcing me to take a longer detour of my supposed direction. As I walked through the untamed forest, I felt as if I was being watched, I looked around my surroundings to see anyone or anything that could be watching.

But nothing came up. In this deep forest, fauna covered everything, it was hard to see anything with all the perfect camouflage. I just decided to press on and continue my wander as I could do nothing about it, I just kept my guard up in case something were to ambush me.

Minutes had passed since I became cautious of this forest, the more I put the feeling aside, the more wrong it felt. As if it was just a mere coincidence, I heard a loud and audible, 'snap'.

The mere sound reverberated inside my head. Time seemed like it had slowed down.

I stopped dead in my tracks and stopped whistling as I looked to the source of the sound. My heart was raising, adrenaline was kicking in, sweat dropped from my forehead continuously after walking so far. There. Just behind some bushes, I could see a small but visible figure. Nothing like a human, the figure was definitely on all fours. I quickly unholstered my gun and pre-aimed it on the bushes.

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