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Alpha Platoon

"We're not seeing anything quite interesting over here."

"Copy that Alpha 1, continue to scout the space ahead of you, over."


“Sir, you sure there’s something in here? I’ve seen nothing but green all around us.”

“Well, the general did find some sort of hostile animal on his way to the hill, so I’d expect something to sh-”

“Hey lieutenant! I found something! There’s some blood.” One of his men shouted.

With that the lieutenant immediately left the conversation and went in the direction of the discovery. Going nearer to the discovery, some things became clear, there were patches of grass that were trampled on, spots of blood covering various greenery, and a couple of used bullet casings on the ground.

“It looks like we might have found the place where our general encountered the animal.”

“HQ, this is Alpha 1, it looks like we’ve found the place where our general encountered the hostile animal. How would you like us to proceed?”

. . . . . .

“General wants you to follow any kind of blood track, proceed with caution and find out what that creature is, happy hunting.”

“Copy that HQ, proceeding with caution in the investigation, over.”

“All right guys! Follow the tracks!”  Various responses then quickly followed the lieutenant's statement.

Bravo Platoon

"Hey lieutenant, can we call it a day? We've been following this road for hours now and we've found nothing. We left base in the afternoon, it's night now."

"Patience, private.  Missions like this tend to take a while. I'm sure we'll find something to satisfy your boredom."

"But sir…"

"No 'but's, private. Just have patience."

Nothing but silence reigned over the platoon after that, only after a bit more walking did they find something worth checking out.

"Hey sir! Think I found some tracks, they follow the road."

"Well then we continue our journey like before, except this time, expect something interesting."

Charlie Platoon

"We've got nothing sir. We checked every spot and didn't find anything, I think it's a dead end from here."

"Alright, report and tell HQ we're coming back."

"Charlie 1 to HQ, we found nothing but an upturned cart, we've investigated the area for suspicious activity but have found nothing, we'll be coming back early, over."

"Copy that Charlie 1, take one final look around the area just to make sure, over."


Alpha Platoon

"Looks like a cave sir. How should we proceed?"

"Alright, quick inspection of the cave, Alpha two will follow us inside the cave for exploration, three and four will stay outside the cave as lookouts with three being quick relief if needed.”

The four squad leaders listened attentively to the platoon leader, and after a while of talking, each of them went to their presumed positions with their subordinates following right after.

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