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Hillmere Village
11 Feb 1641

The sun had long disappeared beneath the horizon, and the moon's silvery glow bathed Hillmere village in an ethereal light. It had been only a few minutes since the bandits' arrival, and already the village was engulfed in turmoil.

The collective shouts of both bandit and villagers blended together together in chaos, the villagers though still stood strong, biding time for their loved ones to escape.

The village chief stood at the forefront with the captain along his side, "Chief, we won't make it out of here alive, I would just like to take this time to say that is has been a pleasure working with you, you were the best chief we've ever had."

"I could say the same thing to you, captain. It has been pleasure working with you too, now, let's face our enemies." Both the chief and captain bore faces filled with determination, protecting the citizens is their ultimate goal.

The bandits had underestimated the villagers' strength and unity, and they soon found themselves facing fierce resistance. The villagers fought with a coordinated effort, their individual skills combining to form wall of defense.

Amidst the chaos, the captain's voice rang out, directing his people's actions with strategic precision. He knew that time was of the essence, and every second counted in their bid to protect their home.

Arrows flew through the air, some finding their mark while others flew amiss, while swords clashed in a dance of steel and determination. The once peaceful village square had yet again become a battleground, with each step taken and every decision made carrying the weight of their survival.

Though the villagers fought accordingly, bandits were not any regular fighters, implementing various tactics deemed irregular for any regular army, they also had the number advantage.

Swords and men fell blood stained, arrows flew and punctured people's body, fire melted the victims' skin. Describing the scene in words wouldn't do it justice, it was a very gruesome scene for anyone to watch.

Though just a few minutes had passed since the battle began, it felt like an eternity. Every heartbeat drummed with adrenaline and determination as the villagers fought not just for their own lives, but for the future of Hillmere's residents.

In the midst of the chaos, the village chief's unwavering presence served as an anchor for his people. With his guidance, they fought with purpose, defending their homes and loved ones with every fiber of their being.

The village had became a stage for a momentous clash. The outcome of this brief but intense battle would decide the fate of everyone.


Hillmere Village
11 Feb 1641
2 minutes before the raid...

"Go, go, go, go, go!" One of the many young man leading the evacuation was Lander Ventris, son of Allard Ventris; the village chief.

His father protested of his aid in the evacuation and should only prioritize his own evacuation. However, Lander had been living in the village for 16 years and knew everyone there, he was not about to leave them behind just for his wellbeing.

"Move to the carts everyone, woman and children first! We need volunteers from several men to help with transport." Lander raised his voice so that more people could hear his instructions.

Children and their mothers were gathered around and were being loaded onto the carts that's being carried by the horses.

Suddenly a woman and her child came up to Lander fashioning an odd hair cut and spoke confidently, "Uhm excuse me that's sexist, women can be as independent and don't need hel-."

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