chapter 6 The Fight

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-- Kenyon --

I ran to our room and she wasn't there I walked to Veronica's room and she wasn't there either I called my brother.

" Hey bro."

" Hey you seen Juanita and my baby Veronica?"

" Umm........No hold on."

I heard him say something to someone in the background then I heard Keny...... from a for miller voice. I hug up the phone and called Oliver. Me and Oliver are good buddy's now.

" Hello, what you need Kenyon."

" Come To my house."

" What happened."

" I think my brother has Juanita and Veronica."

" What....I'm on way."

- 45 min later -

I head the door bell ring I opened the door Oliver looked like he was running all the way here. He was sweating. I let him come in and sit on the stairs.

" Hhhhey."

" You was running."

" Yea."

" You want some water or....... Hold on Bubblegum is calling me."

" Who?"

" Juanita's striper friend. She called me if Juan don't answer her phone."

" Oh ok answer the phone boy!"

" Hello."

" Hey we're is my girl. She was suppose to be here by now?"

" Someone.............."

" Hold on someone at the door!"

After she said that she started screaming in the phone for help.

Me and Oliver walked out the house so fast Oliver almost feel down the stairs.

But he didn't when we got to bubblegum's house her door was in the ground.


thanks for reading

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