The Blue Lion x Monkey!Reader - The Deal

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Description: Where did they go? Why wasn't there anyone at the noodle shop? And who is that weird demon that appears at every corner of your vision following you?

-Everything here is a Warning, Manipulation, Kidnapping, Foul language, Violence and SMUT

Word count: 3,842

Lets begin

Where is everyone?

Didn't they say they where coming back to flower fruit Mountain? Where was that obnoxious Monkey when you needed him

Her tail twitch as she jumped across every tree line around the entire mountain, asking every single monkey and even Macaque where their friends had gone but no one had a clue

"Perhaps he's still with the kid back at the treasure chamber, he did say the kid was bringing back leyendary items" Macaque suggested over the phone, people could be heard from behind the phone line as he was starting to get ready for another theater perfomance soon

She sighted and shaked her head "No i checked there but there was no one, only this stupid scroll, and i cant get out off the Mountain without Monkey King's permission", and because she technically still on probation for almost taking over Megapolis City that one time.

Macaque hummed, "don't worry sugar Plum, I'll come by and help out once im done here, for now just entertain yourself-"

"Like what-playing your weird dating simulator? NooOooOo thanks, geez man you should've asked Wukong to have helped you out" She chuckled as she examined the Gaming cover of a very badly drawn Macaque with exaggerated muscle and anime eyes, the summary of it was as worse as the game itself.

Macaque groaned and hanged up, She chuckled again and place the phone back into their pouch besides the scroll.

"Fuuuuuck, okay...where else could those morons had gone to? " her brows knitted, struggling to come up with anything other than the mural, cabin, treasure chamber and beach


She looked over her shoulder and across the wall of pictures, noticing one in particular that made her eyes go wide, of course

With a flood of memories, she remembered the time she had spent there and the feeling of joy it had brought her

It was the old crew, way before the Journey to the West and before everyone turned against each other and dispersed, the picture was of everyone sitting across a wide giant table with Giant variety of foods and galore, especially delicious Meat.

A childish giggle came as she used to recall always calling dibs and arm wrestled anyone for it, ahh good times

She smiled, enjoying how everyone during that moment talk about everything and nothing at the same time with every sincerity and genuity from inside their demonic hearts, no violence, no hate, just company

The golden-winged eagle (Le Zai) smirked from his side while holding a glass of wine, The yellow-tusk elephant not far behind cheering with a mouthful of fruit. Macaque had a smug as he, Wukong and herself pressed their wine cups together while shoulder hugging in the background

Huh, she didn't remember seeing this before, she scooted closed onto the picture and frowned, it was The blue lion, Azure, siting quietly with narrowed eyes from across them, his eyes directly onto Wukong

'Wasn't this after he complimented our King for being the greatest figure on our group?", was there something on his mind that day that pissed him off?

She shrugged and left out the door, locking it tight and making her way up towards the old pathway up at the mountains, unaware of the pair of two eyes hidden inside the greenery

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