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above Kyle Kimpton, age 15

I wake up the next morning to the discomfort of something poking me from behind. Once fully woke I realize its Kyles hard on. "Eww Bruh" I quickly push him off. This wakes him up in a fit. "Fuck was that for?" he asks irritated. I point at his hard on. He realizes it and gets embarrassed. He goes quiet and quickly jumps out of bed into the bathroom. Our rooms had an adjoining bathroom and since he never came back, I guess after showering he just headed on to his room.

Lunch time came and I still hadn't heard from Kyle. I was starting to get bored, so I decided I'd just go check on him and force him to hang out with me against his will. He is sitting outside by the lake in his bathing suit. I walk over to him. I have a little white hand towel in my hand I grabbed from the bathroom. As I approach, he sees me coming and tries to get up. I wave the hand towel, signaling I come in peace, he settles back down. I squatter down on the sand next to him.

"I'm sorry about this morning "he hands his head in shame.

"ha-ha you are a teenage boy who woke up with a hard on, noting to be sorry about. I'm the one who's sorry I reacted like that. It just caught me off guard, I guess. Truce? I offer out my hand for a fist bump.

"Truce!" he gives it to me.

"Hey Kyle..."


"You are not attracted to me, or anything are you?"

"What?" his face gets pink very quickly. " please" he starts to stutter, barely making out the word "no"

I saw right through his lie. I laughed. "So, you still can't tell a lie, damn man, you look so funny when you try."

I guess I must have touched that nerve of his because he went quiet. I kept laughing, he soon got pissed off and left. I ran after him trying to apologize.

"Kyle! Kyle...! Baby bro I'm sorry" I finally catch up to him and grab his hand by the wrist. Causing him to turn around dramatically. That's when I caught the sight of a tear falling down his cheek. I realized the seriousness of the situation. I wiped it off before it could fall any further and took his face in both the palms of my hands.

"what's wrong monster? Why are you crying? Was it because of my little joke? Bad joke, bad Keenan! I'm sorry, okay?"

He sobs out "what if I am?"

"What if you are what?"

"Attracted to you" he talks in the lowest little voice, almost a whisper.

Then he lifts his head up and looks me dead in the eye. He looked so scared. My protective instincts just wanted to throw my hands over him and tell him that it's okay. But it wasn't. It was not okay to be attracted to your brother. I ignore logic anyway and pulled him in for a big hug. This was my little brother, and that scared look on his face overruled all my logic.

"Fuck! Are you sure?" I whisper in his ear still holding the hug.

"Yea" he replies.

I break the hug, "since when?"

"Since ever..." he hangs his head in shame again.

"Shit!" I exclaim and plop down on large rock on the ground. He sits down next to me. We just sit there in silence.

A few moments later we see mom dragging her suitcase out the front door and in the direction of her car. She stops when she sees us.

"Boys your father is an alcoholic, and I can't take this shit anymore. I'm going back to the city, are you staying here and finishing the rest of your summer vacation or coming with me?" she said in the calmest most sophisticated tone, as if the words she was saying were a normal Sunday morning conversation. It was kind of scary.

Well, the decision was no brain teaser. Stay here with our alcoholic dad who will yell at us every chance he gets and his old lazy dog that farts everywhere or go back home to our friends and our beautiful house with our loving mom. We headed in to go pack as fast as we could. It was sundown by the time we left. The city was 8 hours away. But none of us seemed to care, we just wanted to leave. We drove all night. Me in the passenger seat keeping mom woke and Kyle in the backseat. Sleeping on it horizontally like he used to when he was a kid.

Soon me and mom went into a comfortable silence and just enjoyed the music. Me and Kyle never had the chance to talk about his attraction towards me. Things with mom happened so fast. But now the thought was catching up to me. Shit! We are brothers, this is wrong! I did not want to handle it wrong like I did with this morning's situation, Kyle is very sensitive and the last thing I want is to hurt him.

I looked back over my seat to see his sleeping body on the backseat. He was wearing a tank top and some summer shorts. I could see his sexy biceps outlined perfectly. His super cute face with a little smile on it while he was fast asleep. He is so gorgeous I thought to myself. I did not notice I was staring.

"What is it, he got something on him?" my mom asked interrupting my chain of thought.

As I snapped back to reality. I had the most terrible realization. Shit! It can't be. I was just saying a minute ago how wrong it was. I can't be attracted to my little brother. I'm not even gay. I decided to brush the thoughts off and shut my mind down.

"Haha no, I was just checking if he's head, and neck was supported alright. Hey mom I think I'm gonna go ahead and get some sleep too."  We were less than an hour away so I knew Mom wouldn't mind the rest of the drive alone, "Wake me up when we get there." I say as i melt into the seat and try get some sleep.

"Alight sweetheart" she affirmed with no problem.

I tried to get as comfortable as I can and dozed off to sleep.

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