Part 6: i hate him.

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" What if time doesn't do what it's supposed to do, what I never get over you." 

I scream my heart out as the lady antebellum song booms through my headphones. I'm drunk and singing heart break songs at 5pm, stumbling around my kitchen trying to make a horrifying resemblance of a sandwich.

"wow, this is so tragic I don't even have an appropriate reaction," I hear a voice say from behind me. I turn around to see Kyle starting at me.

i was mad at him. i turn my headphones louder and drown him out. in a petty fit, i throw an open bottle of water at him. childish, immature, vengeful...yes, but not harmful okay so don't judge me.

before it cound hit him, a hand catches the bottle right in front of his face. a big black hand. my eyes widen in shock.

" what the fuck are you doing here" i stared daggers into him

"what the fuck is he doing here" i aim the daggers at my brother this time.

" i invited him over to play video games with me, what's your problem Beast, you been acting weird all damn day"

" Beast?" a deep voice coming from Jamari says, then he chuckles.

" wait so you're Monster and he is Beast? idk if that's the cutest or corniest shit i ever heard"  he says continuing his chuckles.

that's it, he stole my brother, invaded my house and now he is making fun of our childhood nicknames. I've had enough with this guy. 

i lounge at him, fist swinging as I'm midair. my fist connects with his eye and i feel a sharp pain as my knuckles buckle under the pain. i land on my feet right Infront of him and take my second swing. this time i connect with his stomach. much softer on my knuckles this time, but i could feel the air wheezing out of him. for my third punch  i aim at his jaw, just then i feel someone picking me up from behind  and as my body is being taken away i throw my last hail miry, a kick to his thigh. 

Kyle finally puts me down, raging he screams "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU" 

" HIM!! i scream back, he is what's wrong with me, i don't like seeing you with him okay, and i don't want him in my house" i retort back, also screaming.

" you are drunk, look at you, you cant even stand straight, apologize to him right now.!!" Kyle says, pointing out the obvious but i didn't care. i didn't care that i was drunk, i hated this guy even when i was sober so i cant blame the vodka

i look at him, his eye is welling up. a smile appears on my face as i am proud of my work.

i watch as Kyle walks away from me in despair, he opens the freezer and pulls out a steak. then he walks over to Jamari and holds it to his eye.

Jamari then takes the hand holding the steak in his, steps closer to Kyle and use his other hand to place it behind Kyles waist as he pulls him in closer. they are looking each other in the eyes as Kyle is nursing his eye. i hate it. i hate it all. i hate it so much.

i loose my shit one more time and lunge at him again. this time im knocked back by a kick to my abdomen and i fall a couple of feet away. i look over to find that Kyle is the one that kicked me. i felt the betrayal, the heat rising up from inside my chest to my cheeks as my eyes sting and tiers threaten to fall. 

he doesn't say anything. he just stares at me and i get the message loud and clear. i get up off the floor and leave the room. i don't stop walking till I'm at the front door.

My Brothers KeeperDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora