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It was late at night as Gabrielle sat by the campfire unable to sleep. She had so many thoughts racing through her mind. If what people were saying was actually true and Xena was really back, it didn't make sense as to how it could've happened.
While it was true that both Gabrielle and Xena had come back from the dead before, this time seemed different. For starters Xena had chosen to stay dead to save the souls that were held captive. So it didn't make sense that she would change her mind and choose come back all these years later. Not to mention that fact of how she would even do it. The only thing that Gabrielle could think of was the possibility of someone else bringing Xena back and controlling her in some way. As crazy as it sounded to Gabrielle if this really was Xena that seemed like the most likely scenario. Whatever the case Gabrielle was prepared to do whatever it took to uncover the truth. After sitting with her thoughts for a while Gabrielle decided to at least try and get some sleep. She knew that she was gonna be heading out early to see if she could pick up the trail of Xena or whoever was behind the rumors of the warrior princess's return. Gabrielle drifted into a dream. She saw Xena walking aways ahead of her. Gabrielle dreaming about Xena wasn't unusual but this time something seemed different. As Xena walked Gabrielle called out to her. But Xena didn't respond. Gabrielle began running after her. But she stopped when large flames suddenly surrounded Xena. Unable to reach her Gabrielle called out again. This time she heard Xena yell out her name. Suddenly the flames rose higher and then in an instant everything vanished and Gabrielle was left standing alone in a dark void. She cried out for Xena as her voice echoed through the darkness. There was silence until she heard Xena's voice yell her name again. Gabrielle's shot open.


Gabrielle sat up in a hurry and looked around seeing the she was still alone in her camp. The sun had just begun to creep into the sky. Gabrielle slowly calmed her breathing as she realized that she had been dreaming. But for some reason she couldn't shake the feeling that it might've been more than just a dream. After all both she and Xena have had seemingly prophetic dreams or visions before. Like when Xena had seen them both being crucified before it happened.

What was that?

Gabrielle layed back down for a bit until finally realizing that she wasn't going to be able to go back to sleep. So she got up, ate, packed up camp and headed back on the road. As she walked, Gabrielle looked down as she held the pendant around her neck in her hand and smirked.

You know I think these rumors about you are starting to get to me.

By midday Gabrielle had traveled a good distance. She stopped by a stream to take a break from walking. She had been sitting there for a bit when she saw an elderly woman a little down stream fetching some water. Gabrielle smiled as she got up to give the woman a hand.

Those buckets look a little heavy, let me take 'em for you.

The old woman looked at Gabrielle and smiled as she allowed Gabrielle to carry the buckets.

So where are you going?

Just over that hill.

The woman pointed to a decent sized hill that they were heading towards. So Gabrielle carried the water as she walked beside the woman towards her house.

You were going to carry these all that way by yourself?

Normally my son does this but he's away at an auction for more cattle for our farm.

You don't have anyone else who could help you?

Well my grandchildren, but they're both far too young to carry those buckets so far.

FROM ASHES: THE ETERNAL FLAME OF THE PHOENIX Where stories live. Discover now