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The sound of hoves pounding against the hard, snow covered ground could be heard as Gabrielle pushed the horse she rode to go faster. She knew that she had to catch up with Xena and her army before it was too late. As she trampled through the snow Gabrielle couldn't help but wonder if Xena didn't know who she was, then why did she just let her go. After all hadn't she thought that Gabrielle was there as some sort of plot against her. Maybe Xena had determined that Gabrielle wasn't a threat or could be dealt with easily if she was. Or was there some small part of the Xena deep down that felt as though she knew Gabrielle. This thought was what made Gabrielle push harder to reach Xena. Maybe there was still hope to get Xena back somehow. Though she didn't know how, Gabrielle was determined to save Xena. Both from herself and whatever was happening that the Xena in her dreams appeared to be experiencing and seemingly warning her about. Gabrielle was certain at this point that the Xena in her dreams and the Xena that she had found were connected. She still couldn't explain it but something told her that it was no coincidence that she happened to start having those specific dreams right after the rumors about Xena's return started. Sure Gabrielle had drempt about Xena plenty over the years. It was actually quite often in fact. But something about the dreams she had been experiencing lately were just different. Due to Gabrielle's naturally creative mind her dreams were usually vibrant and exciting. Or would be of various memories of her and Xena's time together. But with the dreams about her and Xena inside the dark void, if was so far from what was her usual dreams were and the fact that they had warned her about real world events, Gabrielle knew that some how Xena really had been reaching out to her while she slept. All of this convinced Gabrielle that if she didn't find Xena soon, something terrible was going to happen both to Xena and other people as well. Fortunately for her the snow on the ground had tracks that were clearly left behind by Xena and her army. The fortress was so far north there weren't any signs that other people really lived out there. And by the number of tracks it was obvious that a decent sized group had come through the area fairly recently. So Gabrielle knew that she must've been on the right track for finding Xena. It took riding the rest of the day and all through the night for Gabrielle to finally spot the area that she had seen in her dream. It was early morning when Gabrielle stopped up on a ridge. She got off the horse as she looked around to make sure she was in the right place. The cold wind blew as Gabrielle walked up to the ledge and looked below. And what she saw was the exact thing that she had hoped that she wouldn't. She had hoped that the dream that showed her this would actually be wrong. But there in front of her was a real life nightmare as Gabrielle saw a village under attack by an army that Gabrielle knew was under Xena's command.

(Thinking to herself) No. No I have to stop this.

Gabrielle hurried back on the horse and hastily rode down towards the village. As she came into the village, Gabrielle got down and scanned the arena for Xena. As Gabrielle looked she saw a soldier going after some villagers. She instinctively rushed over. Stepping in and defending the innocent people. She shoved the soldier back and told the villagers to run. After the villagers ran, Gabrielle hurried through the chaos in search of Xena.


Gabrielle fought off the soldiers that she came across. Taking them down as she protected multiple people from being killed. Amidst the fighting she saw a soldier get thrown in front of her from behind a building. He got up from the ground mumbling to himself as he limped away.

Why's it even matter who I kill here anyway? Damn woman and her morals. I never should've joined her stupid army.

Gabrielle realized that Xena must've been who the soldier was talking about. Dispite all the terrible things Xena had done in her warlord state, even she had certain rules that she lived by. One of which was the fact that she refused to kill women and children. Gabrielle knew that based on what the soldier had said Xena had to be close. She ran in the direction that the soldier had come from. As she turned the corner Gabrielle saw a young woman crouched down holding two young children in her arms. Gabrielle slowly walked over and crouched down in front of them.

Are you okay?

Gabrielle saw fear in the woman's eyes as she looked at her.

Don't worry I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm here to help.

We're not hurt. Another woman was just here and stopped a soldier from attacking us.

Which way did she go?

She headed through those trees.

Gabrielle looked behind her to where the woman had nodded towards. There was a bunch of trees that she couldn't see past.

Thanks. Now all of you need to get some place safe. Go, I'll watch your back.

Gabrielle stood watch as the woman took her children and ran out of the village, disappearing into the distance. Gabrielle knew that she had to stop the army's assault on the village. But she also realized that she wouldn't be able to stop this many enemies on her own without a large number of casualties. She had to find Xena. Even if she couldn't bring out her good side just yet. Maybe she could at the very least convince her to call off the attack. Gabrielle ran as fast as she could through the trees. Just hoping that she was doing the right thing. She wasn't going after Xena  just for her own hopes of saving Xena herself. But she knew that if she could get through to her, then not only would Xena be as she should be, but then she would help Gabrielle save the village. But Gabrielle knew that she didn't have much time to do either and ran faster through the trees.

(Thinking to herself) If I save Xena, I'll save the village too.

Gabrielle followed Xena's footprints in the snow as she looked to see if she could spot her.

Come on Xena, where are you?

Gabrielle huffed as she began running up a hill that lead out of the village. As she neared the top Gabrielle could see something in the distance. After getting closer Gabrielle saw that it was Xena. She stood there stoicly with her arms folded across her chest as she appeared to be watching the raid on the village below. After seeing her, Gabrielle ran faster until she got a few feet away. She stood there catching her breath as she called out to get Xena's attention.


Hearing her name Xena turned around and saw Gabrielle.

You again? Look girl if you're looking for trouble I'll be more than happy to help you with that.

Gabrielle saw Xena's hand movie to the sword that was on her side.

No wait please. Xena I know you don't think you know me right now. But I promise I'm not here to cause you any problems. The truth is I've been looking for you.

Oh yeah. And what exactly is the reason for your search.

That's actually kind of a long story.

Xena glared at Gabrielle.

If you have any value for your own well being I suggest you try.

Gabrielle could see the truth of Xena's statement in her icey stare that was colder then the snow they were both standing in.


Oh and do try to make it good. Because if I don't like the reason you give for following me, you'll soon find that you'll wish you hadn't.


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